UW Differential Geometry Seminar: Spring 1995
Click on the title of a lecture to get an abstract (PostScript) if available.
March 27
Robin Graham (UW)
Complex Analysis and the Funk Transform, Part 2
April 3
No Seminar
April 10
David Colton (University of Delaware)
The Electric Far Field Operator
April 17
Dale Skinner (UW)
A Bound on the Counting Function for the Rough Laplacian on a Vector Bundle
April 24
Albert Nijenhuis (UW and University of Pennsylvania)
Connection-free structures in differential geometry
May 1
No Seminar
May 8
Jack Lee (UW)
Fredholm operators on asymptotically hyperbolic manifolds
May 15
Peter Garfield (UW)
Pseudo-Einstein Structures On CR Manifolds
May 22
Brent Smith (UW)
The Gromov-Hausdorff Metric
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Differential Geometry Seminar