B.A. 1966, University of Pennsylvania
Ph.D. 1971, Princeton
Advisor: K. Iwasawa
Assistant Professor (1970-74), University of Maryland
Assistant Professor (1974-78), Brandeis University
Assistant Professor (1978-79), University of Washington
Associate Professor (1979-83), University of Washington
Professor (1983-present), University of Washington
Professor (1990-92), Boston
Research Grants from the National Science Foundation, (1972-present)
Book Fellow, Clay Mathematics Institute, Report 2006 (August, 2006),
Open Questions and Recent Developments in Iwasawa Theory, A conference in honor of Ralph Greenberg's 60th Birthday, Boston University, (June, 2005).
Lifting Up the World With a Oneness-Heart, awarded at a ceremony at the University of Washington honoring 54 professors (July, 2003)
Invited Speaker at ICM 2010,
the International Congress of Mathematicians,
in Hyderabad, India, (August, 2010)
Slides of my lecture
Inaugural Fellow of the AMS,
Fellows of the American Mathematical Society
Institute for Advanced Study (1972-73)
Institute for Advanced Study (Fall, 1981)
Universite de Paris-Sud (1985-1986)
Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (Winter, 1987)
Max Planck Institut (February, March, 1989)
Isaac Newton Institute (May, June, 1993)
Universite de Paris-Sud (Fall, 1993)
Universite de Pierre et Marie Curie (January, 1994)
Universite de Paris-Nord (February, 1994)
Universite de Strasbourg (March, 1994)
Tokyo Metropolitan University (April, May , 1994)
University of Cambridge (July, 1995)
Universite de Paris-Nord (August, 1995)
Institut Henri Poincare (June, 1997)
American Institute of Mathematics (Winter, 1998)
Waseda University (June, 1998)
Institut Henri Poincare (May, June, 2000)
University of Cambridge (Fall, 2000)
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (January, 2001)
Harish-Chandra Research Institute (February, 2001)
Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques (March, 2001)
Tokyo Metropolitan University (Spring, 2001)
Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques (June, 2002)
POSTECH (January, 2009)
POSTECH (June-July, 2010)
Universitat de Barcelona (Three lectures, June, 1986)
Quebec-Vermont Number Theory Seminars (Four lectures, March, 1989)
Tokyo Metropolitan University (Five lectures, May, 1994)
Peking University (Five lectures, June, 1994)
Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo (Six lectures, Summer, 1997)
Park City Mathematics Institute (Eight lectures, Summer, 1999)
Tata Institute for Fundamental Research (Seven lectures, January, 2001)
Harish-Chandra Research Institute (Four lectures, February, 2001)
Tokyo Metropolitan University (Four Lectures, May, 2001)
Korean Institute for Advanced Study (Eight lectures, July, 2001)
Summer School in Iwasawa Theory, McMaster University (Four lectures, August, 2007)
Arithmetic Geometry NCBS, Bangalore, India (Four lectures, March, 2008)
POSTECH (Six lectures, January, 2009)
POSTECH (Six lectures, June, 2010)
Sardinian Summer School in Iwasawa Theory, Alghero, Sardinia (5 lectures, August, 2012)
POSTECH Winter School 2013: p-adic families of motives and modular forms (5 lectures, January, 2013)
Morningside Center of Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences : Introduction to Iwasawa Theory (28 lectures, June, July, 2015)
Summer Meeting of the American Mathematical Society, Eugene, Oregon (August, 1984)
Workshop on Iwasawa Theory (Two lectures), Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, Berkeley (January, 1987)
Durham Symposium on L-functions and Arithmetic, University of Durham, England (July, 1989)
AMS Conference on Motives, University of Washington, Seattle (July, 1991)
Workshop on p-Adic Monodromy and the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer Conjecture, Boston University (August, 1991)
Workshop on p-adic Representations,
Iwasawa Theory, and Tamagawa Numbers of Motives,
Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge, England (June, 1993),
part of the program L-Functions and Arithmetic.
This was the historic conference where Andrew Wiles announced his proof
of Fermat's Last Theorem.
Conference on Arithmetic of Elliptic Curves (Two lectures), Anogeia, Crete (July, 1993)
Workshop on Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry, Fields Institute, Toronto, Canada (October, 1995)
Conference on Elliptic Curves and Modular Forms, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C. (March, 1996)
Class Field Theory - Its Centenary and Prospect, Waseda University, Tokyo (June, 1998)
Seventh Kuwait Foundation Lecture, University of Cambridge, England (May, 2000)
Arithmetic Geometry Conference, Euler Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia (June, 2000)
Canadian Number Theorem Association VIII, Plenary Speaker, Fields Institute, Toronto, Canada (June, 2004)
Conference in honour of John H. Coates on the occasion of his 60th birthday, Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge, England (January, 2005)
Colloque K-theorie et theorie d'Iwasawa, Besancon, France (June, 2006)
First PanAsian Number Theory Conference, Pohang, Korea (January, 2009)
Southern California Number Theory Day, San Diego (May, 2009_)
Magma 2010 conference on p-adic L-functions, Montreal, Canada (February, 2010)
Galois representations in arithmetic and geometry, Goa, India (August, 2010)
ICM 2010, Hyderabad, India, (August, 2010)
p-adic Modular Forms and Arithmetic, UCLA (June, 2012)
POSTECH Number Theory Workshop on "L-functions", Pohang, Korea (2 lectures, June, 2012)
Workshop on Bloch-Kato Conjectures, IISER, Pune, India, (2 lectures, July, 2012)
p-adic Modular Forms, L-functions, and Galois representations, UCLA (May, 2013)
Modular forms, p-adic L-functions and Selmer groups, Minu Balkanski Foundation, Oriahovitza, Bulgaria (July, 2013)
PANTS XXI, Clemson University (December, 2013)
L-functions and Arithmetic, A conference in honor of the 60th birthday of Karl Rubin, Harvard University (June, 2016)
Ross Schipper, Ph.D. 1974
Al Cuoco , Ph.D. 1979
John Minardi, Ph.D. 1986
Li Guo, Ph.D. 1992
David Hubbard, Ph.D. 1996
Michael Drinen, Ph.D. 1999
Jim Mailhot, Ph.D. 2003
Alexandra Nichifor, Ph.D. 2004
Tak-Lun Koo, Ph.D. 2009
Bharath Palvannan, Ph.D. 2016
Yannick Van Huele, Ph.D. 2016
Polina Levontin, M.S. 2000
Vijay Wijesundera, M.S. 2000
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