Papers and Preprints
Surfaces with generalized second fundamental form
in $L^{2}$ are Lipschitz manifolds, J. Differential Geometry, 39,
(1994), 65-101.
Geometric conditions and existence of bilipschitz
parameterizations, Duke Mathematical Journal, 77, (1995), 193-227.
Compactness Properties of Weakly p-Harmonic Maps into
Homogeneous Spaces, with C.Y. Wang, Indiana Univ. Math. J., 44,
(1995), 87-113.
Harmonic Measure on Locally Flat Domains, with C. Kenig,
Duke Mathematical Journal, 87, (1997), 509-551.
Free Boundary Regularity for Harmonic Measures and
Poisson Kernels, with C. Kenig, Annals of Math. 150, (1999), 369-454.
Reifenberg Flat Metric Spaces, Snowballs and Embeddings,
with G. David, Math. Ann., 315, (1999), 641-720.
Square Functions and Harmonic Measure for Elliptic Equations,
with C. Kenig, H. Koch and J. Pipher, Adv. Math. 153 (2000), no. 2, 231--298.
Asymptotically optimally
doubling measures and Reifenberg flat sets with vanishing constant,
with G. David and C. Kenig, Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 54, (2001), 385-449.
Geometry of Measures: Harmonic Analysis meets Geometric
Measure Theory, Handbook of geometric analysis. No. 1, 449-465, Adv. Lect. Math. (ALM), 7, Int. Press, Somerville, MA, (2008).