Seattle Noncommutative Algebra Day (Tentative Schedule)

Dec. 19, 2020

Saturday Morning (Dec. 19, 2020)
9:00--9:50: Ellen Kirkman (Wake Forest University)
Title: Degree bounds for Hopf actions on Artin-Schelter regular algebras talk
10:00--10:50: Cris Negron (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
Title: Noncommutative hypersurface algebras
11:00--11:50: Chelsea Walton (Rice University)
Title: Constructing non-semisimple modular categories link
Saturday Afternoon (Dec. 19, 2020)
3:00--3:50: Jason Gaddis (Miami University)
Title: Invariant theory of twisted generalized Weyl algebras talk
4:00--4:50: Xingting Wang (Howard University)
Title: New approaches to finite generation of cohomology rings
5:00--5:25: Fabio Alejandro Calderon (Rice University and Universidad Nacional de Colombia)
Title: Algebraic properties of face algebras