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Faculty Meeting

Tuesday, October 15, 2019 - 3:30pm to 4:30pm
Padelford C-36


  1. Call to Order
  2. Chair's Remarks
  3. Announcements
    • Lecture rooms – Neal Koblitz 
    • Graduate travel funds – Isabella Novik
  4. Committee Reports
    • Appointments – Selim Tuncel
  5. New Business
  6. Executive Session
  7. Adjournment


The regular meeting of the faculty of the Department of Mathematics was held in C-36 Padelford Hall at 3:30pm, October 15, 2019. John Palmieri, Chair, presided at the meeting. Rose Choi was recording secretary.

The meeting began with approval of the previous meeting’s minutes.

Chair's Remarks

The 2020 meeting schedule was reviewed and approved.

Professor Palmieri reiterated the department’s policy on:

  • Merit and merit salary increases for full professors – Per the bylaws, the Personnel Committee would advise the chair on recommendations for salary increases for professors, other than the members of the Personnel Committee. The chair will determine merit and salary increases for members of the Personnel Committee. The Executive Committee recommends renewing.

Motion was carried and vote held.  All were in favor of retaining this policy.

  • Retention offers – As of 2000, the chair, in consultation with the Personnel Committee (and additional colleagues as deemed suitable), shall act on behalf of the department when making decisions of counter and pre-emptive offers. The Executive Committee recommends renewing both of these.

Motion was carried and vote held.  All were in favor of retaining this policy.

  • Part-time lecturer hiring – The current policy is to delegate authority to a committee consisting of the chair, the UPC, and the GPC. The Executive Committee recommends renewing.

Motion was carried and vote held.  All were in favor of retaining this policy.

Professor Palmieri reminded the faculty of the University’s Instructional responsibilities policy. Faculty absences in excess of eight successive university instructional days must be formally presented by the Department Chair to the Divisional Dean for approval.

Additionally, if faculty perform outside professional work for compensation, Form 1460 must be submitted. This is required even if you're on leave without pay, for example over the summer. It is required every year, even if you are repeating the same thing you did last year. It is not required if your outside work is not related to your UW employment.

At a meeting run by Transforming Post-Secondary Education in Mathematics (TPSE Math), NSF representatives encouraged more grant proposals from mathematicians to the NSF-EHR Directorate, especially in regard to math education.

SafeCampus is the University of Washington’s violence-prevention and response Program. They can handle threats, stalking, sexual assault, relationship violence, harassment, suicide concerns, workplace violence and more.

The UW Climate Survey will close on November 8th. Please remember to participate.

It may be harder to attract international applicants and attain visas for postdocs due to the new title of 50% Teaching Asssociate/50% Research Associate.

Calculus class size goals:

  • Add in-class seats
  • Preserve (or even decrease) the number of instructors
  • MATH 124 and 125 will increase lectures from 120 to 150/180 in Autumn and Winter
  • MATH 111, 112, and 120 will remain unchanged
  • MATH 126 lecture sizes are unchanged
  • Quiz section sizes also unchanged

A moment of silence was held in remembrance of Isaac Namioka.


Professor Koblitz brought to the department’s attention several issues pertaining to lecture rooms and room assignments. Among key concerns were the equipment in classrooms and properly matching courses with the requisite room features necessary for instruction. A proposal was made to organize faculty in a concerted effort to bring these issues to the Faculty Senate and eventually the College/University.

Committee Reports

Professor Novik informed faculty of the various options available to subsidize graduate travel funding. Info is available on the department’s website. Please pay particular attention to the deadlines.

Professor Tuncel prepped the faculty on the anticipated hiring timeline. The next six weeks will be an intense period of review. Please send input for the first round short list to Rose within the next two weeks. The aim is to have visits scheduled before Thanksgiving or, at the latest, by the end of the quarter. Voting will be held at the January 21st department meeting.

New Business

Professor Hoffman reminded faculty of the upcoming MathAcrossCampus lecture on Friday, October 18th, by Joseph Teran of UCLA. There will be a special undergraduate open meeting the day before.


The meeting passed into executive session at 4:23pm.

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