Math 545-546 - Differentiable Manifolds
Winter and Spring Quarters, 2022; University of Washington, Seattle
Class meets MWF 1:30-2:20.
Week 1, on Zoom
- also can join this meeting on Syllabus or Zoom pages of Canvas course site.
When we return to in-person classes (hopefully by week 2), we are currently scheduled
to meet in MEB 327.
Prof. Judith M. Arms,
jmarms at uw
TAs: Collin Litterel,
collindl at uw
and Josh Southerland
jsouther at uw
Office hours. For first week, immediately after class, and by appointment.
Regular hours for all three instructors to be decided and announced.
Enrolled students will get an invitation to a survey about office hour preferences.
Please respond by Friday, January 7 at 6 PM.
THIS IS A TEMPORARY COURSE SITE for the convenience of those not yet enrolled,
and for everyone before Canvas opens.
Everything at this site will be duplicated on Canvas by the first day of class,
so if you are enrolled in the course and classes have started,
best to consult the Canvas course site for Math 545.
Click on the links below for information about the course.
- Information about the
textbook and what chapters we will study.
- Classes and lectures.
Class will meet on Zoom (see link to meeting above) for the first week, and
will be recorded and available later on Canvas. (Remind me if I forget to turn on recording.)
When (hopefully) we return to in-person classes, it may or may not be recorded,
depending technology available.
I welcome comments and questions during class. If there's a long stretch with no questions,
I'll start asking the class questions!
Homework Information and Guidelines.
- Tests. There will be take-home tests for the midterm and the final.
You will have about a week to work on each test.
The midterm will be due sometime in the first half of February, and
no written homework will be due the week the midterm is due.
More information will be posted on Canvas later.
Information about grades, including S/NS option.
Links to Resources and Policies that you may find useful:
- Husky Health and Well Being
has resources for mental and physical health and safety.
In particular, the
Student Counseling Center offers resources and individual and group
counseling for help with academic, career, and personal problems.
- UW Student Technology Loan Program
loans tablets, computers, and other technology to students.
- Any Hungry Husky,
a food pantry for students, because no student should have to go hungry
or choose between food and textbooks, needed technology, etc.
- University Religious Accommodation Policy: Go
here for the statement of UW policy for accommodation of student absences or significant hardship due to reasons of faith or conscience, or for organized religious activities.
It contains a link to form which must be filled out in
the first two weeks of the quarter if you want an accommodation.
Mathematics Department Policy on Course or Instructor Concerns.
And just for fun, here are some interesting geometry/topology sites:
The ACME Klein Bottle Company
sells Klein bottles of various sizes, and
Klein bottle hat and Moebius scarf sets;
Models of the hyperbolic plane:
Paper on various methods;
and extensive site on crocheting models, with links to videos, including a TED talk, at
"Math and Fiber."
Return to the
UW Math Department Homepage.
Most recently updated on January 2, 2022.