If you have any concerns about a mathematics course or instructor, the best approach is to contact the instructor about these concerns as soon as possible. We strongly encourage you to make this contact immediately if you are experiencing problems or concerns. If you are concerned about a teaching assistant, you may choose to contact either the TA or the instructor or both. If you are unable to resolve the issue by talking to the TA or the instructor, you may contact the Student Services Office, advising@math.washington.edu with your name, student ID, and course concerns. The department needs a written record to process course concerns. If you are still not satisfied with the response you receive, you may contact the department chair in Padelford C-138 (543-1151).
Undergraduate Contact
Sarah Garner
Director of Student Services
Padelford C-36 (Student Services Office)
Graduate Contact
Professor Isabella Novik
Graduate Program Director
Padelford C-36 (Student Services Office)