Math 425 - Fundamental Concepts of Analysis II
See UW General Catalog for course description and prerequisite information.
- Principles of Mathematical Analysis (Third Edition) by Walter Rudin
Suggested Syllabus
Metric Spaces
- Euclidean space, metric spaces
- open and closed sets, interiors, closures
- compactness, sequential compactness, Heine-Borel Theorem
- connectedness, intervals
- completeness of metric spaces and of the Euclidean space
Continuous Functions of Metric Spaces
- epsilon-delta and sequence definitions of limits, properties
- continuity of functions between metric spaces
- continuity and connectedness
- continuity and compactness
- Extreme Value Theorem
- uniform continuity of continuous maps of compact spaces
Functions of Several Variables
- Normed linear spaces, completeness of C(X)
- L(Rn,Rm) with the sup norm
- continuity of the inversion map
- definition of the derivative and necessity of continuity
- chain rule, partial derivatives and matrix representation of the derivative
- characterization of C1 functions
- Mean Value Theorem
- Inverse Function Theorem
- Contraction Mapping Theorem
- Implicit Function Theorem