Jayadev Athreya |
Interim Director of PIMS (2021) |
Sara Billey: |
UW College of Arts and Sciences’ Bergstrom Award (2018) |
AWM Grand Prize Winning Essay (2013) |
Fellow of the American Mathematical Society (2012) |
Mathematics Faculty Fellow (2007-2009) |
NSF CAREER grant (2000) |
Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE) (2000-2006) |
Krzysztof Burdzy: |
President of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (2020) |
AMS Centennial Fellowship (1992) |
Fellow of the American Mathematical Society (2012) |
Member of the Washington State Academy of Sciences (2013) |
Institute of Mathematical Statistics Carver Medalist (2016) |
Wacław Sierpiński Medal (2011) |
Rollo Davidson Prize (1992) |
Zhenqing Chen: |
Fellow of the American Mathematical Society (2013) |
Fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (2007) |
Elsevier Itô Prize (2019) |
Dmitriy Drusvyatskiy |
INFORMS Young Researcher Prize (2019) |
NSF TRIPODS grant (2017) |
NSF CAREER grant (2017) |
Branko Grünbaum: |
AMS Steele Prize for Mathematical Exposition (2005) |
Chris Hoffman: |
Simons Fellow in Mathematics (2016) |
AMS Centennial Fellowship (2008-2009) |
Jim King: |
Washington State Mathematics Council Mathematics Educator of the Year Award (2005) |
Neal Koblitz: |
Levchin Prize (2021) |
Honorary Doctorate, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (2010) |
RSA Excellence in the Field of Mathematics Award (2009) |
Sándor Kovács: |
Simons Fellow in Mathematics (2014) |
Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellow (2002-2004) |
NSF CAREER grant (2001) |
Jack Lee: |
AMS Stefan Bergman Prize (2012) |
Max Lieblich: |
NSF CAREER grant (2011) |
Fellow of the American Mathematical Society (2017) |
Mathematics Faculty Fellow (2010-2012) |
Simons Fellow in Mathematics (2018) |
Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellow (2010-2012) |
Andrew Loveless: |
UW Distinguished Teaching Award (2012) |
Jim Morrow: |
Inaugural Fellow of the AWM (2017) |
AWM Gweneth Humphreys Award (2013) |
MAA Haimo Award (2008) |
Honors Excellence in Teaching Award (2006-2007) |
MAA Distinguished Teaching Award - Pacific Northwest section (2006) |
PIMS Education Prize (2005) |
UW College of Arts and Sciences Alumni Distinguished Professorship (2005-2006) |
UW Distinguished Teaching Award (2003) |
Isabella Novik: |
Fellow of the American Mathematical Society (2016) |
Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellow (2006-2008) |
Mathematics Faculty Fellow (2009-2011) |
Soumik Pal: |
Mathematics Faculty Fellow (2011-2013) |
John Palmieri: |
Mathematics Faculty Fellow (2007-2009) |
Julia Pevtsova: |
Fellow of the American Mathematical Society (2016) |
Mathematics Faculty Fellow (2010-2012) |
Simons Fellow in Mathematics (2017) |
PIMS Education Prize (2018) |
PNW MAA distinguished teaching award (2018) |
NSF CAREER grant (2010) |
Thomas Rothvoss: |
Packard Fellowship in Science and Engineering (2016) |
Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellow (2015) |
Fulkerson Prize (2018) |
Best Paper Prize at the ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (2014) |
NSF CAREER grant (2017) |
Farbod Shokrieh: |
NSF CAREER grant (2021) |
Hart Smith: |
Simons Fellow in Mathematics (2013) |
William Stein: |
Richard Dimick Jenks Memorial Prize for Excellence in Software Engineering applied to Computer Algebra (2013) |
Mathematics Faculty Fellow (2012-2014) |
Rekha Thomas: |
Robert B. Warfield Term Faculty Fellow (2019-2022) |
Robert and Elaine Phelps Endowed Professor of Mathematics (2008-2012) |
Tatiana Toro: |
Director of Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (2021) |
Chancellor’s Professor at UC Berkeley (2016) |
Fellow of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences (2020) |
Fellow of the American Mathematical Society (2016) |
UW Landolt Distinguished Graduate Mentor Award (2019) |
Craig McKibben & Sarah Merner Professor of Mathematics (2016-2019) |
Guggenheim Fellowship (2015-2016) |
Blackwell-Tapia Prize (2020) |
Robert and Elaine Phelps Endowed Professor of Mathematics (2012-2016) |
Simons Fellow in Mathematics (2012, 2019) |
Bianca Viray: |
NSF CAREER grant (2016) |
Gunther Uhlmann: |
Foreign Member of the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters (2014) |
Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellow (1984-1986) |
Simons Fellow in Mathematics (2013, 2021-2022) |
Member of Washington State Academy of Sciences (2012) |
Corresponding Member of the Chilean Academy of Sciences (2001) |
Solomon Lefschetz Medal (2017) |
SIAM Kleinman Prize (2011) |
AMS Bôcher Prize (2011) |
AMS-SIAM George David Birkhoff Prize in Applied Mathematics (2021) |
Fellow of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (2010) |
Fellow of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences (2009) |
Guggenheim Fellowship (2001) |
Clay Senior Scholar (Fall 2010 & Fall 2019) |
Walker Family Endowed Professor of Mathematics (2006-2022) |
Chancellor’s Professor at UC Berkeley (Fall 2010) |
Rothschild Distinguished Visiting Fellow at The Isaac Newton Institute of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Cambridge (Fall 2011) |
Chaire d'Excellence of the Fondation Science Mathématiques de Paris (2012-2013) |
Doctor Honoris Causa from The University of Helsinki (2022) |
Elected to the US National Academy of Science (2023) |
Frontiers in Science Award: First International Congress on Basic Science, Beijing (2023) |
Robert R. and Elaine F. Phelps Endowed Professor (2022-present) |
Ginger Warfield: |
PIMS Education Prize (2008) |
AWM Louise Hay Award (2007) |
Bobby Wilson: |
Karen EDGE Fellow (2020) |
Yu Yuan: |
Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellow (2002-2004) |