The Math Student Council helps advise the undergraduate program on academic and professional issues, suggest improvements, and be ambassadors for professional activities. The council is a year-long commitment and is comprised of undergraduate math majors who are selected each year by the faculty undergraduate program director. Students interested in joining the council should check their email for the council applications.
Math Student Council Members -- 2024-2025
Chabaud, Mathieu
Dillon, Vince
He, Helinda
Hosoda, Logan
Jingxuan, Chen
Kelly, Quinn
Liu, Yuanzhuo (Liu, Stephen)
Pendharkar, Gaurang
Sachi, Celine
Sinha, Shridhar
Smidt, Cole
Sun, Sinuo
Ulrigg, Austin
Venkatesh, Samarth
Xu, Hanya
Yin Boyang
Council Projects
Y Math
Advisers: Alexis Druout, Cynthia Vinzant
Vince Dillon
Annis Wu
Gaurang Pendharkar
Stephen Liu
Adviser: Sarah Garner
Celine Sachi
Hanya Xu
Angela Sun
Helinda He
Austin Ulrigg
Social Events
Adviser: Jarod Alper and Sarah Garner
Vince Dillon
Angela Sun
Helinda He
Mathieu Chabaud
Cole Smidt
Degree plans
Advisers: Rekha Thomas, Bianca Viray and Sarah Garner
Gaurang Pendharkar
Shridhar Sinha
Samarth Venkatesh
Student Liaison
Adviser: Rekha Thomas and Sarah Garner
Annis Wu
Quinn Kelly
Boyang Yin
Cole Smidt
Career/Networking Events
Adviser: Soumik Pal
Quinn Kelly
Angela Sun
Hanya Xu