Reporting Suspected Child Abuse

Administrative Policy Statement 11.8: Reporting Suspected Child Abuse was approved in June 2013. The University created this policy to ensure that University employees are informed of their obligations to report suspected child abuse under Chapter 26.44 RCW, the Abuse of Children Law. This law was amended in 2013 to include all higher education employees as mandated reporters of suspected child abuse or neglect. University of Washington policy also requires that University volunteers similarly report suspected child abuse or neglect. 

To provide specific guidance relating to this policy, a short (35 minute) training program has been developed for all employees, faculty, and volunteers to view. This program explains the connection between the state law, the University policy, and the actions required by individuals and the administration. In addition, it provides answers to common questions that may arise regarding this new policy. 

You may access the training via the Office of Risk Management webpage. 

Everyone in our community needs to be aware of their duties to report and respond appropriately. With all of our involvement, we can continue to provide a safe experience for everyone involved with the University. 

Additional information and resources can be found on the University's Safety of Minors website, including a link to Administrative Policy Statement 11.8: Reporting Suspected Child Abuse.
