Room Reservation Policy

Department Rooms

PDL C-38, PDL C-401, and CMU B-006 are strictly reserved for courses, reading groups, seminars, and other meetings. If you would like to reserve one of these spaces and the room is available, please email with your request (be sure to include the date(s) & time(s)). You should also contact for alternative rooms for your physical class lectures.

Event Services

If your day/time is not available or you need a room that is NOT one of the above, please submit a request to UW's Event Services office. You can only use their event reservation system if your request is more than 1 week before the event.

  • Request a room at least 2 weeks in advance if possible.
  • Use the Course event type if your reservation is related to research credits with faculty.
  • You can select multiple buildings - click the white box again to make an additional selection.
  • For departmental academic activities, Group 1 classrooms are available at no charge for most use. If your reservation is considered a departmental academic activity, you can select "Not Applicable" when asked how you're paying for the event.
  • The final question about food is specifically asking about whether you plan to serve catered food.

For complicated reservations you may also email them at A worktag is required for most non-academic events. Please review their policies, rates, and spaces in advance of submitting a room request form.

UW Libraries

Another option is to reserve a study space through UW Libraries.
