The Department of Mathematics offers four major options designed to meet the needs of students interested in pure mathematics. These options promote competence in abstract thinking, logical rigor, analysis, expository clarity, and critical writing. A student who studies mathematics will develop skills that are invaluable in almost any area of life, from software development to finance to teaching. Students considering a degree in mathematics should be excited about proof-writing and ready for a challenging and intellectually stimulating degree program!
Admitted to Math Major prior to Autumn 2021
MATH Major Restrictions with Other Majors
Bachelor of Arts - Standard Option
The Standard option is intended for students who are interested in a versatile degree in Mathematics. Although the requirements for the degree are more liberal than those of the other options, we recommend choosing electives with the idea of gaining more knowledge in a specific area of mathematics, possibly in conjunction with a minor in a related area. Students can choose coursework in algebra, geometry, topology, combinatorics, analysis, number theory, optimization and probability.
Bachelor of Arts - Teacher Preparation Option
The Teacher Preparation option prepares students for teaching careers in secondary or middle schools. The majority of these majors go on to finish a Master's in Teaching. This degree requires students to complete specific coursework designed to give them an in-depth experience in Mathematics. Beyond learning the content of Mathematics, the coursework will teach students how to communicate Mathematics (and their love for the subject) to others.
Bachelor of Arts - Philosophy Option
The Philosophy option allows students to combine mathematics and philosophy. The math courses introduce the student to mathematical reasoning; the philosophy courses complement this method of reasoning with methods that have arisen within the historical tradition of philosophy. Students are encouraged to take coursework specifically in the areas of the Philosophy of Science or Mathematics.
Bachelor of Science Option
The B.S. option is ideal for students wanting a strong mathematical foundation or planning to do graduate study in mathematics. The Department offers a variety of areas of study, including real analysis, geometry, complex analysis, modern algebra, combinatorics, differential equations, dynamical systems, number theory, probability, optimization and numerical analysis.
Non-MATH electives
BS Math option majors can apply up to two of the following courses from one other department outside of Mathematics towards the Math major electives:
- AMATH: 383 / 402 / 403
- CSE: 373 or 332 / 374 or 333 / 417 or 421
- ECON: 400 / 424 / 484
- E E: 416 / 418
- PHYS: 321 / 322 / 324
- PHIL: 470 / 471 / 472
Once the non-MATH coursework has been completed with a grade of 2.0 or higher, email our office to apply the course(s) as math electives. Math majors do not have priority registration for the courses listed above, and students are expected to meet prerequisite requirements.
Major Requirements Prior to Autumn 2021
B.A. Standard Option Requirements & Graduation Planning Sheet PRIOR TO AUTUMN 2021 (PDF)
B.A. Teacher Prep Option Requirements & Graduation Planning Sheet PRIOR TO AUTUMN 2021 (PDF)
B.A. Philosophy Option Requirements & Graduation Planning Sheet PRIOR TO AUTUMN 2021 (PDF)
B.S. Option Requirements & Graduation Planning Sheet PRIOR TO AUTUMN 2021 (PDF)
Major Requirements Prior to Autumn 2018
B.A. Standard Option Requirements & Graduation Planning Sheet PRIOR TO AUTUMN 2017 (PDF)
B.S. Standard Option Requirements & Graduation Planning Sheet PRIOR TO AUTUMN 2018 (PDF)
B.S. Comprehensive Option Requirements & Graduation Planning Sheet PRIOR TO AUTUMN 2018 (PDF)
MATH Major Restrictions with Other Majors
- Any MATH option, no doubles with the ACMS major