Message from the Chair

Welcome to the Winter/Spring 2023 Department of Mathematics Newsletter!
Let me start by talking about some transitions. Jim Burke and Ethan Devinatz both retired almost a year ago. Jim joined the department in 1985, Ethan in 1991. Congratulations to both of them on long and successful UW careers, and we wish them the best as they step away from their roles as regular faculty members. We hired two new permanent faculty this year: Danny Shi and Jonathan Zhu join us as new Assistant Professors. Danny comes here after holding a postdoctoral position at the University of Chicago, and Jonathan from a postdoc at Princeton. Shiping Cao, Amrei Oswald, and Xiaowen Zhu arrived in the fall as new postdocs. You can read more about all of them in the newsletter. Welcome to all of our newcomers!
In other exciting news, Bianca Viray received the 2022-23 Birman Fellowship from American Mathematical Society. In more local news, Fran Herr won the Dean's Medal in Natural Sciences in June '23; Fran was a double major in math and dance, and you can read about how she combined those two areas of expertise in her work here.
The Math/ACMS advisors — Alice Boytz, Dawn Kajimura, and Ryan Kozu — were named the UW advising team of the month in November '22. This is well-deserved recognition for our amazing group of advisors. The rest of our departmental staff is also wonderful: Sarah Garner, who runs the advising office; the main office staff of Mike Munz, Rose Choi, and Pam Kelley Elend; and the computing staff of Steve Sheetz and new arrival Lawrence Yeh. The math department could not function without them, and they all do amazing work!
- John Palmieri