Courses - Spring 2023
Listings for future quarters are tentative and subject to change. For the most up-to-date information, please consult the UW Time Schedule. For a listing of all courses potentially offered, see the Course Catalog.
Spring 2023
Course | Course Title (click for details) | SLN | Instructor | Meeting Time |
MATH 103 A | Introduction to Elementary Functions | 16784 |
MATH 111 A | Algebra with Applications | 16785 |
MATH 111 B | Algebra with Applications | 16786 |
MATH 112 A | Application of Calculus to Business and Economics | 16787 |
MATH 112 AA | Application of Calculus to Business and Economics | 16788 |
MATH 112 AB | Application of Calculus to Business and Economics | 16789 |
MATH 112 AC | Application of Calculus to Business and Economics | 16790 |
MATH 112 AD | Application of Calculus to Business and Economics | 16791 |
MATH 112 AE | Application of Calculus to Business and Economics | 16792 |
MATH 120 A | Precalculus | 16793 |
MATH 120 AA | Precalculus | 16794 |
MATH 120 AB | Precalculus | 16795 |
MATH 120 AC | Precalculus | 16796 |
MATH 120 AD | Precalculus | 16797 |
MATH 124 B | Calculus with Analytic Geometry I | 16806 |
MATH 124 BA | Calculus with Analytic Geometry I | 16807 |
MATH 124 BB | Calculus with Analytic Geometry I | 16808 |
MATH 124 BC | Calculus with Analytic Geometry I | 16809 |
MATH 124 BD | Calculus with Analytic Geometry I | 16810 |
MATH 124 C | Calculus with Analytic Geometry I | 16811 |
MATH 124 D | Calculus with Analytic Geometry I | 16812 |
MATH 124 DA | Calculus with Analytic Geometry I | 16813 |
MATH 124 DB | Calculus with Analytic Geometry I | 16814 |
MATH 124 DC | Calculus with Analytic Geometry I | 16815 |
MATH 124 DD | Calculus with Analytic Geometry I | 16816 |
MATH 125 A | Calculus with Analytic Geometry II | 16818 |
MATH 125 AA | Calculus with Analytic Geometry II | 16819 |
MATH 125 AB | Calculus with Analytic Geometry II | 16820 |
MATH 125 AC | Calculus with Analytic Geometry II | 16821 |
MATH 125 AD | Calculus with Analytic Geometry II | 16822 |
MATH 125 B | Calculus with Analytic Geometry II | 16823 |
MATH 125 BA | Calculus with Analytic Geometry II | 16824 |
MATH 125 BB | Calculus with Analytic Geometry II | 16825 |
MATH 125 BC | Calculus with Analytic Geometry II | 16826 |
MATH 125 BD | Calculus with Analytic Geometry II | 16827 |
MATH 125 C | Calculus with Analytic Geometry II | 16828 |
MATH 125 CA | Calculus with Analytic Geometry II | 16829 |
MATH 125 CB | Calculus with Analytic Geometry II | 16830 |
MATH 125 CC | Calculus with Analytic Geometry II | 16831 |
MATH 125 CD | Calculus with Analytic Geometry II | 16832 |
MATH 125 D | Calculus with Analytic Geometry II | 16833 |
MATH 126 B | Calculus with Analytic Geometry III | 16839 |
MATH 126 BA | Calculus with Analytic Geometry III | 16840 |
MATH 126 BB | Calculus with Analytic Geometry III | 16841 |
MATH 126 BC | Calculus with Analytic Geometry III | 16842 |
MATH 126 BD | Calculus with Analytic Geometry III | 16843 |
MATH 126 C | Calculus with Analytic Geometry III | 16844 |
MATH 126 CA | Calculus with Analytic Geometry III | 16845 |
MATH 126 CB | Calculus with Analytic Geometry III | 16846 |
MATH 126 CC | Calculus with Analytic Geometry III | 16847 |
MATH 126 CD | Calculus with Analytic Geometry III | 16848 |
MATH 126 D | Calculus with Analytic Geometry III | 16849 |
MATH 126 DA | Calculus with Analytic Geometry III | 16850 |
MATH 126 DB | Calculus with Analytic Geometry III | 16851 |
MATH 126 DC | Calculus with Analytic Geometry III | 16852 |
MATH 126 DD | Calculus with Analytic Geometry III | 16853 |
MATH 126 E | Calculus with Analytic Geometry III | 16854 |
MATH 126 EA | Calculus with Analytic Geometry III | 16855 |
MATH 126 EB | Calculus with Analytic Geometry III | 16856 |
MATH 126 EC | Calculus with Analytic Geometry III | 16857 |
MATH 126 ED | Calculus with Analytic Geometry III | 16858 |
MATH 126 F | Calculus with Analytic Geometry III | 16859 |
MATH 126 FA | Calculus with Analytic Geometry III | 16860 |
MATH 126 FB | Calculus with Analytic Geometry III | 16861 |
MATH 126 FC | Calculus with Analytic Geometry III | 16862 |
MATH 126 FD | Calculus with Analytic Geometry III | 16863 |
MATH 126 G | Calculus with Analytic Geometry III | 16864 |
MATH 136 A | Accelerated [Honors] Calculus | 16865 |
MATH 197 A | Problem Solving in Mathematics | 16866 |
MATH 197 B | Problem Solving in Mathematics | 16867 |
MATH 198 A | Special Topics in Mathematics | 16868 |
MATH 207 A | Introduction to Differential Equations | 16869 |
MATH 207 AA | Introduction to Differential Equations | 16870 |
MATH 207 AB | Introduction to Differential Equations | 16871 |
MATH 207 AC | Introduction to Differential Equations | 16872 |
MATH 207 B | Introduction to Differential Equations | 16873 |
MATH 207 BA | Introduction to Differential Equations | 16874 |
MATH 207 BB | Introduction to Differential Equations | 16875 |
MATH 207 BC | Introduction to Differential Equations | 16876 |
MATH 207 C | Introduction to Differential Equations | 16877 |
MATH 207 CA | Introduction to Differential Equations | 16878 |
MATH 207 CB | Introduction to Differential Equations | 16879 |
MATH 207 CC | Introduction to Differential Equations | 16880 |
MATH 207 D | Introduction to Differential Equations | 16881 |
MATH 207 DA | Introduction to Differential Equations | 16882 |
MATH 207 DB | Introduction to Differential Equations | 16883 |
MATH 207 DC | Introduction to Differential Equations | 16884 |
MATH 207 E | Introduction to Differential Equations | 16885 |
MATH 207 F | Introduction to Differential Equations | 16886 |
MATH 207 J | Introduction to Differential Equations | 16890 |
MATH 208 A | Matrix Algebra with Applications | 16893 |
MATH 208 AA | Matrix Algebra with Applications | 16894 |
MATH 208 AB | Matrix Algebra with Applications | 16895 |
MATH 208 AC | Matrix Algebra with Applications | 16896 |
MATH 208 B | Matrix Algebra with Applications | 16897 |
MATH 208 BA | Matrix Algebra with Applications | 16898 |
MATH 208 BB | Matrix Algebra with Applications | 16899 |
MATH 208 BC | Matrix Algebra with Applications | 16900 |
MATH 208 C | Matrix Algebra with Applications | 16901 |
MATH 208 CA | Matrix Algebra with Applications | 16902 |
MATH 208 CB | Matrix Algebra with Applications | 16903 |
MATH 208 CC | Matrix Algebra with Applications | 16904 |
MATH 208 D | Matrix Algebra with Applications | 16905 |
MATH 208 DA | Matrix Algebra with Applications | 16906 |
MATH 208 DB | Matrix Algebra with Applications | 16907 |
MATH 208 DC | Matrix Algebra with Applications | 16908 |
MATH 208 H | Matrix Algebra with Applications | 16912 |
MATH 208 I | Matrix Algebra with Applications | 16913 |
MATH 208 K | Matrix Algebra with Applications | 16915 |
MATH 209 A | Linear Analysis | 16919 |
MATH 224 C | Advanced Multivariable Calculus | 16927 |
MATH 224 D | Advanced Multivariable Calculus | 16928 |
MATH 224 E | Advanced Multivariable Calculus | 16929 |
MATH 224 F | Advanced Multivariable Calculus | 16930 |
MATH 224 G | Advanced Multivariable Calculus | 16931 |
MATH 282 A | Exploring Opportunities in the Mathematical Sciences | 16932 |
MATH 300 A | Introduction to Mathematical Reasoning | 16933 |
MATH 300 B | Introduction to Mathematical Reasoning | 16934 |
MATH 300 C | Introduction to Mathematical Reasoning | 16935 |
MATH 300 E | Introduction to Mathematical Reasoning | 16937 |
MATH 301 A | Elementary Number Theory | 16938 |
MATH 318 A | Advanced Linear Algebra Tools and Applications | 16939 |
MATH 318 AA | Advanced Linear Algebra Tools and Applications | 16940 |
MATH 318 AB | Advanced Linear Algebra Tools and Applications | 16941 |
MATH 318 AC | Advanced Linear Algebra Tools and Applications | 16942 |
MATH 327 A | Introductory Real Analysis I | 16943 |
MATH 327 B | Introductory Real Analysis I | 16944 |
MATH 327 C | Introductory Real Analysis I | 16945 |
MATH 336 A | Accelerated [Honors] Advanced Calculus | 16946 |
MATH 381 A | Discrete Mathematical Modeling | 16947 |
MATH 394 A | Probability I | 16949 |
MATH 395 A | Probability II | 16950 |
MATH 396 A | Finite Markov Chains and Monte-Carlo Methods | 16951 |
MATH 397 A | Mathematical Sciences Internship | 16952 |
MATH 398 A | Special Topics in Mathematics | 16953 |
MATH 398 B | Special Topics in Mathematics | 16954 |
MATH 399 A | Undergraduate Research | 16955 |
MATH 399 AA | Undergraduate Research | 16956 |
MATH 399 AB | Undergraduate Research | 16957 |
MATH 399 B | Undergraduate Research | 16958 |
MATH 403 A | Introduction to Modern Algebra | 16959 |
MATH 404 A | Introduction to Modern Algebra | 16960 |
MATH 409 A | Discrete Optimization | 16961 |
MATH 409 B | Discrete Optimization | 16962 |
MATH 424 A | Fundamental Concepts of Analysis | 16963 |
MATH 425 A | Fundamental Concepts of Analysis | 16964 |
MATH 426 A | Fundamental Concepts of Analysis | 16965 |
MATH 428 A | Complex Analysis | 16966 |
MATH 443 A | Differential Geometry | 16967 |
MATH 445 A | Introduction to Geometries II | 16968 |
MATH 462 A | Combinatorial Theory II | 16969 |
MATH 480 A | Advanced Topics in Undergraduate Mathematics | 16970 |
MATH 496 A | Honors Senior Thesis | 16971 |
MATH 498 A | Special Topics in Mathematics | 16972 |
MATH 506 A | Modern Algebra | 16973 |
MATH 509 A | Algebraic Structures | 16974 |
MATH 510 A | Seminar in Algebra | 16975 |
MATH 510 B | Seminar in Algebra | 16976 |
MATH 516 A | Numerical Optimization | 16977 |
MATH 523 A | Advanced Probability | 16978 |
MATH 530 A | Seminar in Analysis | 16980 |
MATH 530 B | Seminar in Analysis | 16981 |
MATH 534 A | Complex Analysis | 16982 |
MATH 536 A | Complex Analysis | 16983 |
MATH 546 A | Topology and Geometry of Manifolds | 16984 |
MATH 549 A | Geometric Structures | 16985 |
MATH 550 A | Seminar in Geometry | 16986 |
MATH 550 B | Seminar in Geometry | 16987 |
MATH 550 C | Seminar in Geometry | 16988 |
MATH 558 A | Introduction to Partial Differential Equations | 16989 |
MATH 570 A | Seminar in Topology | 16990 |
MATH 574 A | Fundamental Concepts of Analysis | 16991 |
MATH 574 B | Fundamental Concepts of Analysis | 16992 |
MATH 574 C | Fundamental Concepts of Analysis | 16993 |
MATH 575 A | Fundamental Concepts of Analysis | 16994 |
MATH 580 A | Current Topics in Mathematics | 16995 |
MATH 580 B | Current Topics in Mathematics | 16996 |
MATH 583 A | Special Topics in Mathematics | 16997 |
MATH 583 B | Special Topics in Mathematics | 16998 |
MATH 583 C | Special Topics in Mathematics | 16999 |
MATH 583 D | Special Topics in Mathematics | 17000 |
MATH 583 E | Special Topics in Mathematics | 17001 |
MATH 583 G | Special Topics in Mathematics | 17003 |
MATH 586 A | Numerical Analysis of Time Dependent Problems | 17004 |
MATH 590 A | Seminar in Probability | 17006 |
MATH 597 A | Seminar on Teaching Math | 17007 |
MATH 600 A | Independent Study or Research | 17008 |
MATH 600 B | Independent Study or Research | 17009 |
MATH 700 A | Master's Thesis | 17010 |
MATH 800 A | Doctoral Dissertation | 17011 |