Assistant Professor Contact Information PDL C-526 Personal Website Fields of Interest Algebraic Topology Biography Ph.D., Harvard University, 2019 S.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2013 Courses Taught Autumn 2024MATH 124 E: Calculus with Analytic Geometry I MATH 124 F: Calculus with Analytic Geometry I MATH 124 G: Calculus with Analytic Geometry I Spring 2024MATH 565 A: Algebraic Topology Winter 2024MATH 565 A: Algebraic Topology Autumn 2023MATH 564 A: Algebraic Topology Winter 2023MATH 124 C: Calculus with Analytic Geometry I MATH 124 D: Calculus with Analytic Geometry I Autumn 2022MATH 124 I: Calculus with Analytic Geometry I Affiliations Home Department Mathematics News & Events Related Events Topology Seminar: $C_{p^n}$ Mahowald invariants and $v_1$-peridicity - February 11 2025, 3:30pm Topology Seminar: Atiyah duality and applications - May 23 2024, 3:30pm Topology Seminar: Bredon cohomology of equivariant configuration spaces - April 11 2024, 3:30pm Topology Seminar: New infinite families in the stable homotopy groups of spheres - March 1 2024, 1:30pm Topology Seminar: The generalized Tate diagram of the equivariant slice filtration - February 22 2024, 2:30pm Topology Seminar: Topology Seminar: Supersymmetric field theories and elliptic cohomology - January 11 2024, 2:30pm CANCELED: Topology Seminar: Building relations on persistence modules from data - December 7 2023, 3:30pm Topology Seminar: Algebraic and Geometric Models for Space Communications - November 30 2023, 3:30pm Topology Seminar: Equivariant K-theory and higher chromatic analogues - November 16 2023, 3:30pm Topology Seminar: Telescopic stable homotopy theory - November 9 2023, 3:30pm Topology Seminar: Avoiding inessential edges - November 1 2023, 1:30pm Topology Seminar: A motivic analogue of the K(1)-local sphere spectrum - October 26 2023, 3:30pm Topology Seminar: Pseudo symmetric multifunctors and application to K-theory - October 19 2023, 3:30pm Topology Seminar: Involutions of (Topological) Azumaya Algebras - May 30 2023, 3:30pm Topology Seminar: The cohomology of equivariant configuration spaces - May 23 2023, 3:30pm Topology Seminar: The C_p-equivariant dual Steenrod algebra for odd prime p - May 9 2023, 3:30pm Topology Seminar: The Even Filtration - May 4 2023, 2:30pm Topology Seminar: Higher-dimensional Calculus of Fractions - April 27 2023, 2pm Topology Seminar: The v2-local algebraic tmf resolution - April 25 2023, 3:30pm Topology Seminar: Power Operations and Normed Spectra - April 11 2023, 3:30pm Topology Seminar: v1-periodic motivic homotopy over prime fields - March 28 2023, 3:30pm Topology Seminar: TBA - November 22 2022, 3:30pm Topology Seminar: A handy guide to building compact 3-manifolds from infinite-type surfaces - November 15 2022, 3:30pm Topology Seminar: Homotopical combinatorics - October 25 2022, 3:30pm Topology Seminar: What is a model category? - October 25 2022, 2:30pm Topology Seminar: (2-)categorical constructions and the multiplicative equivariant Barratt-Quillen-Priddy theorem - October 18 2022, 3:30pm Topology Seminar: Stable homotopy groups of motivic spheres and the Suslin-Hurewicz homomorphism - October 4 2022, 3:30pm Topology Seminar: What is A^1-homotopy theory? - October 4 2022, 2:30pm