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Title |
Published |
Gunther Uhlmann to deliver Einstein Lecture |
Gunther Uhlmann receives AMS Bôcher Prize |
Gracie Ingermanson awarded UW Sophomore Medal |
Max Lieblich receives NSF CAREER grant |
2010 Math Department Undergraduate Awards |
Genia Vogman awarded Department of Energy Graduate Fellowship |
Nate Bottman awarded 2010 Dean's Medal and NSF Graduate Fellowship |
Mathematics faculty honored |
UW student team Outstanding Winner in Mathematical Contest in Modeling |
Will Johnson earns Putnam Fellowship |
NSF Postdoctoral Fellowships |
Sloan Research Fellowship awarded to Max Lieblich |
In honor of Paul Tseng (1959- ) |
Mark Bun and Will Johnson awarded UW Sophomore and Junior Medals |
Julia Pevtsova awarded NSF CAREER grant |
Finding solutions to thousand year old problem |
Ralph Greenberg and Tatiana Toro invited speakers at ICM 2010 |
2009 Math Department Undergraduate Awards |
Ioana Dumitriu awarded NSF CAREER grant |
Department receives Research Training Grant from NSF |
Undergraduates excel in Putnam mathematical competition |
Gunther Uhlmann named Fellow of American Academy of Arts & Sciences |
Neal Koblitz wins prize for Excellence |
Math 381 students help community partners solve problems |
Chad Klumb awarded UW Sophomore Medal |