News Archive

Image Title Published
Gunther Uhlmann to deliver Einstein Lecture
Gunther Uhlmann receives AMS Bôcher Prize
Gracie Ingermanson awarded UW Sophomore Medal
Max Lieblich receives NSF CAREER grant
2010 Math Department Undergraduate Awards
Genia Vogman awarded Department of Energy Graduate Fellowship
Nate Bottman awarded 2010 Dean's Medal and NSF Graduate Fellowship
Mathematics faculty honored
UW student team Outstanding Winner in Mathematical Contest in Modeling
Will Johnson earns Putnam Fellowship
NSF Postdoctoral Fellowships
Sloan Research Fellowship awarded to Max Lieblich
Paul Tseng
In honor of Paul Tseng (1959- )
Mark Bun and Will Johnson awarded UW Sophomore and Junior Medals
Julia Pevtsova awarded NSF CAREER grant
Finding solutions to thousand year old problem
Ralph Greenberg and Tatiana Toro invited speakers at ICM 2010
2009 Math Department Undergraduate Awards
Ioana Dumitriu
Ioana Dumitriu awarded NSF CAREER grant
Department receives Research Training Grant from NSF
2008 Putnam competition winners with coaches
Undergraduates excel in Putnam mathematical competition
Gunther Uhlmann
Gunther Uhlmann named Fellow of American Academy of Arts & Sciences
Neal Koblitz wins prize for Excellence
Math 381 students help community partners solve problems
Chad Klumb awarded UW Sophomore Medal