- Call to Order
- Announcements
- Mathday – Jim Morrow
- Faculty Senate – Max Lieblich
- Community Standards & Student Conduct – Nathan Miglich
- Committee Reports
- New Business
- Executive Session
- Adjournment
The regular meeting of the faculty of the Department of Mathematics was held in C-36 Padelford Hall at 3:30 PM, March 6, 2018. Ron Irving, Chair, presided at the meeting. Rose Choi was recording secretary.
Professor Morrow will need several more volunteers for the upcoming Mathday on March 19th .
Faculty Senate
Professor Lieblich relayed that 34% of the legislative fund-split went towards faculty raises; whereas, other departments received 50%. An adjustment to the state budget has been made to increase the raise allocation to 50% in order to match other departments. Additionally, direct admissions have gone into effect at Computer Science & Engineering with Math to follow in 2020. Finally, a Class A Legislation was proposed to amend the UW Faculty Code for Voting Guidelines to allow Senior and Principal Lecturers and Senior Artists-in-Residence to have voting privileges at 50% or greater effort and to be included as retired faculty during quarters that they work part-time. A Class C Resolution was proposed to install wellness rooms throughout campus. A wellness room is a private space that contains a sink with a water source, a plug, a sharps/biohazard waste box, a small refrigerator, and a chair that can be utilized for breast pumping/feeding and/or medical interventions (injections and/or other medication), and the space must be serviced/cleaned regularly.
Community Standards & Student Conduct
Nathan Miglich distributed handouts containing the updated codes for CSSC regarding student rights, procedures for dealing with student misconduct versus academic misconduct, the appropriate steps taken when a student is believed to have cheated or plagiarized, and sanctioning guidelines for violations of academic integrity. Details can be found on their website at
There being no new business, the meeting passed into executive session at 4:15pm.