UW-PIMS Colloquium
UW-PIMS Colloquium
UW-PIMS Colloquium events are sponsored by the UW Department of Mathematics and the Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.
Past Events
- Combinatorial aspects of mirror symmetry for the Grassmannian and its Schubert varieties (Lauren K. Williams, Harvard University) -
- Domino tilings beyond 2D (Caroline Klivans, Brown University) -
- The density finite sums theorem (Bryna Kra, Northwestern University) -
- Dynamical zeta functions for Anosov flows (Semyon Dyatlov, Massachusetts Institute of Technology) -
- THE VALUE (AND PITFALLS) OF PROOF (Persi Diaconis, Stanford University) -
- The Subspace Flatness Conjecture and Faster Integer Programming (Thomas Rothvoss, University of Washington) -
- Journey to the Center of the Earth (Gunther Uhlmann, University of Washington) -
- Harmonic Functions and Beyond (YanYan Li, Rutgers University) -
- Seeing the forest for the trees (Anna Gilbert, Yale University) -
- Stable polynomials and Fourier quasicrystals (Cynthia Vinzant, University of Washington) -
- Elliptic integrals, modular forms, and the Weierstrass zeta-function (Mario Bonk, University of California, Los Angeles) -
- Reconstructing simplicial polytopes from partial information (Isabella Novik, University of Washington) -
- The local-global conjecture for Apollonian circle packings is false (Katherine E. Stange (University of Colorado, Boulder)) -
- Hitting the High-D(imensional) Notes: Stochastic Gradient Descent Learning Dynamics (Courtney Paquette (McGill University)) -
- Local to global principles in orbits, and applications (Alex Kontorovich (Rutgers University)) -
- When do varieties map to each other? (Mihnea Popa (Harvard University)) -
- Intersection theory of moduli spaces of curves (Hannah Larson (University of California, Berkeley)) -
- Uniformity in Diophantine Geometry (Lars Kühne, University of Copenhagen) -
- Group actions, algebra up to homotopy, and flavors of commutativity (Mike Hill, University of California, Los Angeles) -
- Geometry of surface group homomorphisms (Emily Dumas, University of Illinois at Chicago) -
- On Unirationality of hypersurfaces (Roya Beheshti Zavareh, Washington University in St. Louis) -
- Take a residue, leave a residue (Andrei Okounkov, Columbia University) -
- Ramsey graphs and additive combinatorics without addition (Jacob Fox, Stanford University) -
- Localization Schemes: A Framework for proving mixing bounds in Markov chains (Ronen Eldan, Microsoft Research) -
- Renormalized Volume and Area for Poincaré-Einstein Spaces (Robin Graham, University of Washington) -
- Algorithms for optimization, inference, sampling of random probability measures (Andrea Montanari, Stanford University) -
- Expressive curves (Sergey Fomin, University of Michigan) -
- The underlying topology of data (Jose Perea, Northeastern University) -
- Understanding graphs locally (Annie Raymond, UMass Amherst) -
- Equiangular lines and eigenvalue multiplicities (Yufei Zhao, MIT) -
- Rigidity and uniformity and algebraic dynamics (Laura DeMarco, Harvard) -
- Gradeless: Grade Less; Teach More (Ileanu Vasu, Holyoke Community College) -
- Infinite-type surfaces (Priyam Patel, University of Utah) -
- A Discussion of a Generalization of the Multilinear Kakeya Theorem (Bobby Wilson, UW) -
- How to Obfuscate Computer Programs Mathematically? (Rachel Lin, UW) -
- Curvature flows toward optimal geometric inequalities (Pengfei Guan, McGill University) -
- Nonlinear PDEs in Lagrangian geometry (Arunima Bhattacharya, UW) -
- Some examples of homological mirror symmetry (Heather Lee) -
- Geometric realization of cyclically branched covers over spheres (Dami Lee) -
- New Postdoc Quick Introductions (Sheela Devadas, Lijun Ding, Tim Duff, Andrea Ottolini, Hadrian Quan, and Xueying Yu, UW) -
- Hidden Figures, Service Learning, and Mathematical Community (Ranthony Edmonds, Ohio State) -
- Machine Problem Solving (Daniel Selsam, Microsoft Research) -
- Mathematics Teacher Performance Assessments Across Contexts (Elese Washines, Program manager for the Yakama Nation Higher Education Program) -
- PIMS 25th Anniversary Network-Wide Colloquium (John Baez, University of California, Riverside) -
- PIMS 25th Anniversary Network-Wide Colloquium (Lauren Williams, Harvard University) -
- PIMS 25th Anniversary Network-Wide Colloquium (Ben Green, University of Oxford) -
- Strongly Rayleigh Distributions and a (slightly) Improved Approximation algorithm for Metric TSP (Shayan Oveis Gharan, University of Washington) -
- CANCELED: PIMS 25th Anniversary Network-Wide Colloquium (Ingrid Daubechies, Duke University) -
- Variational Analysis and Optimization (Tyrell Rockafellar, University of Washington) -
- Systems biology approaches in infectious disease and cell biology (John Aitchison, Center for Global Infectious Disease at Seattle Children’s Research Institute, Department of Pediatrics at the University of Washington) -