Topology Seminar
Topology Seminar
The UW Topology Seminar presents lectures by researchers in algebraic, low-dimensional, and geometric topology (and related fields). The seminar meets most Tuesdays 3:30-4:30pm in Padelford C-401. After the talk, attendees are invited to join the speaker for dinner.
Past Events
- RO(G)-graded homotopy fixed point spectral sequence for height 2 Morava E-theory (Yunze Lu, UCSD) -
- $C_{p^n}$ Mahowald invariants and $v_1$-peridicity (Shangjie Zhang, UCSD) -
- Counting Graphs on Surfaces (Jayadev Athreya) -
- Atiyah duality and applications (Toni Annala, IAS) -
- Building relations on persistence modules from data (Chad Giusti, Oregon State University) -
- Bredon cohomology of equivariant configuration spaces (Daniel Dugger, University of Oregon) -
- CANCELED: TBA (Chad Giusti, Oregon State University) -
- New infinite families in the stable homotopy groups of spheres (Prasit Bhattacharya, New Mexico State) -
- The generalized Tate diagram of the equivariant slice filtration (Guoqi Yan, Notre Dame) -
- Topology Seminar: Supersymmetric field theories and elliptic cohomology (Daniel Berwick Evans, UIUC) -
- CANCELED: Building relations on persistence modules from data (Chad Giusti, Oregon State University) -
- CANCELED: Learning cyclic structure in neural population codes (Chad Giusti, Oregon State University) -
- Algebraic and Geometric Models for Space Communications (Justin Curry, University at Albany SUNY) -
- Inverse Problems in Topological Data Analysis (Justin Curry, University at Albany SUNY) -
- Equivariant K-theory and higher chromatic analogues (William Balderrama, University of Virginia) -
- Telescopic stable homotopy theory (Ishan Levy, MIT) -
- Avoiding inessential edges (Henry Segerman, Oklahoma State University) -
- A motivic analogue of the K(1)-local sphere spectrum (Kyle Ormsby, University of Washington / Reed College) -
- Pseudo symmetric multifunctors and application to K-theory (Diego Manco Berrio, University of Oregon) -
- Edges of the Quillen-Lichtenbaum range and birational geometry (Elden Elmanto, University of Toronto) -
- Involutions of (Topological) Azumaya Algebras (Ben Williams, UBC) -
- The cohomology of equivariant configuration spaces (Christy Hazel, UCLA) -
- The C_p-equivariant dual Steenrod algebra for odd prime p (Foling Zou, University of Michigan) -
- The Even Filtration ( Piotr Pstragowski (Harvard)) -
- Higher-dimensional Calculus of Fractions (Chris Kapulkin (Western Ontario)) -
- The v2-local algebraic tmf resolution (Mark Behrens, University of Notre Dame) -
- Power Operations and Normed Spectra (Jeremiah Heller, UIUC) -
- v1-periodic motivic homotopy over prime fields (J.D. Quigley, University of Oregon) -
- Vanishing results in Chromatic homotopy theory (Guchuan Li (Michigan)) -
- The modified Adams--Novikov spectral sequence and a deformation of Borel equivariant homotopy (Hana Jia Kong (IAS)) -
- Assembly in the Algebraic K-theory of Lawvere Theories (Anna Marie Bohmann, Vanderbilt) -
- TBA (Mona Merling, University of Pennsylvania) -
- A handy guide to building compact 3-manifolds from infinite-type surfaces (Marissa Loving, Wisconsin) -
- Homotopical combinatorics (Kyle Ormsby, University of Washington / Reed College) -
- What is a model category? (Kyle Ormsby, University of Washington / Reed College) -
- (2-)categorical constructions and the multiplicative equivariant Barratt-Quillen-Priddy theorem (Angélica Osorno, Reed College) -
- Stable homotopy groups of motivic spheres and the Suslin-Hurewicz homomorphism (Oliver Röndigs, Osnabrück University) -
- What is A^1-homotopy theory? (Oliver Röndigs, Osnabrück University) -
- A Graphical Approach to Higher Cyclic and Modular Operads (Philip Hackney, MSRI & University of Louisiana at Lafayette) -
- Homotopy Theory for Coalgebras ( Maximilien Peroux, University of Illinois at Chicago) -
- The structure of the homotopy groups of the motivic sphere spectrum (Kyle Ormsby, Reed College) -
- Chromatic homotopy is algebraic when p>n²+n+1 (Piotr Pstrągowski, Northwestern University) -
- Geometric group theory in need of algebraic topology (Ross Geoghegan, Binghamton University (SUNY)) -
- Topology Seminar: Towards the dual motivic Steenrod algebra in positive characteristic (Martin Frankland) -
- Configuration Spaces on Trees with Loops (Safia Chettih) -
- How efficiently can one untangle a double-twist? Waving is believing! (David Pengelley, Oregon State University) -
- A Homological Theory of Functions (Greg Yang, Microsoft Research) -
- An action of the Grothendieck-Teichmüller group on stable curves of genus zero (Marcy Robertson, University of Melbourne) -