Rainwater Seminar
The Rainwater Seminar covers a broad range of topics in Modern Analysis, including Real and Complex Analysis, Geometric Measure Theory, Ergodic Theory and Geometric Dynamics. This reflects the recent trends and emerging areas in Non-Smooth Analysis and Geometry, characterized by interdisciplinary connections. Some examples of these areas are Gromov's hyperbolic spaces, measure metric spaces, dynamics on translation surfaces, Schramm's Stochastic Loewner Evolution, the Zipper algorithm for conformal mappings, fractals arising in PDE's and in Dynamics, and PDEs on non-smooth domains.
The seminar meets on Tuesdays at 1:30 in PDL C-401, and may last up to two hours. In a two hour session the first 30 minutes will provide a general introduction accessible to first and second year graduate students. Then there will be a 15-20 minute coffee break (at which time it is perfectly permissible to leave), followed by an hour talk.
The seminar reflects the interests of Jayadev Athreya, Don Marshall, Steffen Rohde, Stefan Steinerberger, Tatiana Toro and Bobby Wilson.
Past Events
- Quantitative weak mixing for substitution dynamical systems (Boris Solomyak (Bar-Ilan and UW)) -
- TBA (Boris Solomyak (University of Bar-Ilan)) -
- A quasi-invariant group action on SLE loops (Jinwoo Sung, University of Chicago) -
- Dynamics of Multidimensional Continued Fraction Algorithms as a Random Walk on Graphs (Charles Fougeron (Université Sorbonne Paris Nord)) -
- Strange shadows of $\ell_p$-balls (Mathias Sonnleitner (University of Alberta)) -
- Algorithmic methods in geometric measure theory (Donald Stull (University of Chicago)) -
- Spectral invariants of integrable polygons (Julie Rowlett (Chalmers University)) -
- Finding Patterns and Arithmetic Progressions in Fractal Sets (Krystal Taylor (OSU)) -
- Siegel-Veech Constants of Cyclic Covers of Generic Translation Surfaces (David Aulicino (Brooklyn College)) -
- Divisibility of integer Laurent polynomials and dynamical systems (Doug Lind (UW Seattle)) -
- Minimization problems for the first Dirichlet Laplacian eigenvalue with volume constraint (Pedra Andrade (Instituto Superior Técnico)) -
- Venetian blinds, digital sundials, efficient coverings, and Kakeya sets (Alan Chang (Washington University St Louis)) -
- The Favard Length and Cyclotomic Structure of Rational Product Cantor Sets (Caleb Marshall (UBC)) -
- Global well-posedness, long-time behavior of solutions, and the stabilization phenomenon for some fluid equations (Weinan Wang (University of Oklahoma)) -
- Diophantine approximation, statistics on translation surfaces, and equivariant processes (Albert Artiles (UW Seattle)) -
- Billiards in Polyhedra (Jayadev Athreya (UW Seattle)) -
- Sobolev inequalities, metric measure spaces, and degenerate elliptic PDEs. (Lyudmila Korobenko (Reed College)) -
- Piecewise geodesic Jordan curves on the sphere (Janne Junnila, University of Helsinki) -
- Wave dynamics and semiclassical analysis: from graphs to manifolds (Akshat Kumar (Instituto de Telecomunicações, Lisboa)) -
- Curve tangencies and maximal functions (Joshua Zahl, University of British Columbia) -
- The infinite trivalent tree and the developed deltoid (Steffen Rohde, University of Washington) -
- Invasion: robustness and universality (Cole Graham (Brown University)) -
- Geometric Function theory, Quasiconvexity and lower Semicontinuity (Daniel Faraco, Universidad Autonoma Madrid) -
- Probabilistic global flows for supercritical PDEs (Mouhamadou Sy, Johns Hopkins University) -
- Zeros of Steklov eigenfunctions (Stefano Decio, University of Minnesota) -
- Low dimensional Cantor sets with absolutely continuous harmonic measure (Cole Jeznach, University of Minnesota) -
- Non-embeddability of Carnot Groups into L^1 (Lisa Naples, Macalester College) -
- Lipschitz decompositions of the complements of bilaterally flat sets (Jared Krandel, Stony Brook University) -
- The Schr\”odinger convergence problem and the Mass Transference Principle (Daniel Eceizabarrena, University of Massachusetts Amherst) -
- Energy Optimization for k-particle Interactions on the Sphere (Ryan Matzke, Vanderbilt University) -
- A monotonicity approach to Pogorelov's Hessian estimates for Monge-Ampere equation (Yu Yuan, UW) -
- Anisotropic Preiss density (Max Goering, Max Planck Institute) -
- Stability of elliptic Harnack inequality (Zhen-Qing Chen, UW) -
- Rectifiability of flat singularities for mod(p) area-minimizing hypersurfaces (Anna Skorobogatova, Princeton University) -
- Lower bounds for the directional discrepancy (Michelle Mastrianni, University of Minnesota) -
- The box-counting dimension in one-dimensional random geometry of multiplicative cascades (Sascha Troscheit, University of Oulu) -
- Exceptional sets of orthogonal projections: Classical results and current research (Ryan Bushling, University of Washington) -
- Inverse boundary value problems for quasilinear hyperbolic equations on Lorentzian manifolds (Yang Zhang, University of Washington) -
- Josh Southerland's thesis defense (Josh Southerland, University of Washington) -
- David Simmons's thesis defense (David Simmons, University of Washington) -
- The bigraded Rumin complex (Jeffrey Case) -
- Fractional Dirac operators and Geometric reconstruction (Hadrian Quan) -
- Boundary and Curvature on Graphs (Stefan Steinerberger, University of Washington) -
- Global well-posedness for the fractional NLS on the unit disk (Xueying Yu, University of Washington) -
- Dirac operators and topological insulators (Alexis Drouot, University of Washington) -
- Counting special Lagrangian classes and semistable Mukai vectors for K3 surfaces (Heather Lee) -
- Carleson measure estimates for bounded harmonic functions (John Garnett, UCLA) -
- Multidimensional Scaling on Metric Measure Spaces (Lara Kassab, Colorado State University) -
- Survey on the Falconer distance set problem (Hong Wang, Institute for Advanced Study) -
- Counting social interactions for discrete subsets of the plane (Samantha Fairchild, University of Washington) -