Probability Seminar
The weekly UW Probability Seminar features talks on current research in all areas of probability theory: discrete and continuous, pure and applied. The seminar meets on Mondays from 2:30 p.m. to 3:20 p.m. The speaker and the participants usually continue their discussions at a cafe on UW campus immediately after the in-person talk.
Current Quarter
The seminar meets in SMI 405 in Autumn Quarter 2024. Krzysztof Burdzy is the moderator.
This seminar may be taken for credit as Math 590. Math grad students may register for as many credits as needed. If you have trouble registering, please email
Mailing List
Announcements of upcoming seminars are sent by e-mail to all interested participants. To be added to the Probability Seminar mailing list, send e-mail to the current moderator.
Past Events
- The Proportional Scaling Limit of Neural Networks (Mufan Li, Princeton University) -
- Minimum spanning arborescence (Gourab Ray, Univ of Victoria) -
- New Paradigm in Optimal Transport: Statistics and Riemannian Structure of Gromov-Wasserstein Distance (Zhengxin Zhang, Cornell University) -
- Combinatorics and statistics for shifts of finite type (Jacob Richey, Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics) -
- A fourth moment theorem for estimating subgraph counts (Dan Mikulincer, University of Washington) -
- Stability and statistical inference for semi-discrete optimal transport (Ritwik Sadhu, University of Washington) -
- Wasserstein mirror gradient flows and the low temperature limit of the Sinkhorn algorithm (Soumik Pal, University of Washington) -
- The Twenty Fourth Northwest Probability Seminar -
- Chatterjee's rank correlation: what is new? (Fang Han, University of Washington) -
- Uniqueness and CLT for the ground state Disordered Monomer-Dimer Model on \${\mathbb Z}^d\$ (Kesav Krishnan, University of Victoria) -
- The scaling limit of the colored asymmetric simple exclusion process (Milind Hegde, Columbia University) -
- Boundary trace of reflected diffusions on uniform domains (Zhenqing Chen, University of Washington) -
- Stochastic 3D Burgers equations with random initial data (Lidan Wang, Nankai University, China) -
- Wright-Fisher stochastic heat equations with irregular drifts (Zhenyao Sun, Beijing Institute of Technology) -
- Viscosity Solutions of Stochastic Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman Equations (Jinniao Qiu, University of Calgary ) -
- Cutoff profiles, from transpositions to more general conjugacy classes (Lucas Teyssier, UBC) -
- Computational Nonlinear Filtering: A Deep Learning Approach (George Yin, University of Connecticut) -
- Fractional PDEs for anomalously diffusive transport in porous media (Hong Wang (University of South Carolina)) -
- The Busemann process of (1+1)-dimensional directed polymers (Erik Bates (North Carolina State University)) -
- The Curse of Popularity: How High Degree Nodes in Graphs Distort the Relevance Estimated by Gaussian Random Projection (Tvrtko Tadic (Microsoft) ) -
- Hitting times in random graphs (Andrea Ottolin (UW)) -
- Differentially private synthetic data generation (Yiyun He (UC Irvine)) -
- Probability Seminar (Maddy Brown (UW)) -
- Pinned Ball, Foldings and Particle Collisions (Shuntao Chen (UW)) -
- Estimates of symmetric stable-type processes with singular Levy densities. (Toshihiro Uemura (Kansai University)) -
- Random Connection Models and Mean-Field Critical Exponents (Matthew Dickson (UBC)) -
- The MCMC method and High Dimensional Expanders (Shayan Oveis Gharan) -
- Stable matchings with correlated preferences (Christopher Hoffman) -
- Extreme of Luroth Digits and a Zeta Function Limit Relation (Jayadev Athreya) -
- Limit Theory for Bose-Einstein statistics via Chernoff's method (Jon A. Wellner, University of Washington) -
- Hitting times in Erdös-Rényi random graphs (Andrea Ottolini, University of Washington) -
- The Critical Beta-splitting Random Tree (David Aldous , U.C. Berkeley and University of Washington) -
- Finite Markov chains coupled to general Markov processes and an application to metastability (Jason Swanson, University of Central Florida) -
- Conductive homogeneity of polygon-based self similar sets (Jun Kigami, Kyoto University) -
- Scaling exponents in stationary random graphs (James Lee, University of Washington) -
- Accessing the convergence rate of push-sum algorithms (Balázs Gerencsér, Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics) -
- Instantaneous everywhere-blowup of parabolic SPDEs (Davar Khoshnevisan, University of Utah) -
- Approximation of Time-changed Brownian motion (Yang Yu, University of Washington) -
- Dirac operators and topological insulators (Alexis Drouot (University of Washington)) -
- Convergence of resistances on generalized Sierpinski carpets (Shiping Cao (University of Washington)) -
- Stochastic gradient method: when and why does it work? (Dmitriy Drusvyatskiy (University of Washington)) -
- Gradient flow structure for some nonlocal diffusion equations (Andrew Warren (University of British Columbia)) -
- Up-down chains, diffusive limits, and permutons (Kelvin Rivera-Lopez (Gonzawa University)) -
- Crofton's formula and Invisible Sets (Stefan Steinerberger (University of Washington)) -
- Stochastic domination for multirate Poisson processes (Joe Stover (Gonzaga)) -
- Large Network Analysis using Random Projections (Tvrtko Tadic (Microsoft, Redmond)) -
- Dynamic optimization on graphons (Raghav Tripathi (UW)) -
- Random Lozenge tiling at cusp and the Pearcey process (Lingfu Zhang (UC Berkeley)) -
- Some math behind the Zener cards (Andrea Ottolini (UW)) -