Number Theory Seminar
Number Theory Seminar
The number theory seminar meets on Tuesdays from 11 - 11:50a.m. in Padelford C-401. The speaker and the participants usually continue their discussions over lunch immediately following the talk.
Mailing List
Announcements of upcoming seminars are sent by e-mail to all interested participants. We use a Google groups mailing list; those interested can sign up here.
Past Events
- On the local-global conjecture for higher-dimensional Kleinian sphere packing (Edna Jones, Tulane University) -
- Generic positivity of the Beilinson-Bloch height of Gross-Schoen and Ceresa cycles (Ziyang Gao, UCLA) -
- A Chebotarev Density Theorem over Local Fields (John Yin, Ohio State University) -
- Non-vanishing of Ceresa and Gross--Kudla--Schoen cycles (Wanlin Li, Washington University in St. Louis ) -
- How do points on plane curves generate fields? Let me count the ways. (Renee Bell, Lehman College) -
- Exceptional loci on abelian varieties ( Tangli Ge, Princeton University) -
- The Brauer Group of Stacky Y_0(2) (Niven Achenjang, MIT) -
- Growth of Torsion of Elliptic Curves Over Imaginary Quadratic Fields with Class Number 1 (Irmak Balçik, Northwestern University) -
- Unexpected quadratic points of hyperelliptic curves via Chabauty-Coleman bound for surfaces (Jerson Caro, Boston University) -
- Elliptic curves with complex multiplication and abelian division fields (Asimina Hamakiotes, University of Connecticut) -
- The not-so-local-global conjecture (James Rickards, University of Colorado, Boulder) -
- Towards a theory of real multiplication (Alice Pozzi, University of Bristol) -
- Diophantine stability for elliptic curves on average (Anwesh Ray, Université de Montréal) -
- Integral points in families of elliptic curves (Stephanie Chan, SLMath (MSRI)) -
- Recent development in the study of integral points of moduli spaces (Kenneth Chiu, Rice University) -
- Generalised Jacobians of modular curves and their Q-rational torsion. (Mar Curcó-Iranzo, Utrecht University) -
- Number Theory Seminar: Nonabelian Cohen—Lenstra heuristics in the presence of roots of unity (Yuan Liu, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign) -
- Semi-integral points and local-global principles (Sam Streeter, University of Bristol) -
- How often do equations have everywhere local solutions? (Nicholas Rome, University of Michigan) -
- Lattice problems and the Siegel/Rogers integral formula (Seungki Kim, University of Cincinnati) -
- Markoff-type K3 Surfaces: Local and Global Finite Orbits (Matthew Litman, UC Davis) -
- Fields generated by points on superelliptic curves (Lea Beneish, McGill University and Chris Keyes, Emory University) -
- Explicit isogenies of prime degree over quadratic fields (Barinder Banwait, Harish-Chandra Research Institute) -
- An example of a Brauer-Manin obstruction to weak approximation at a prime with good reduction (Margherita Pagano, Leiden) -
- Investigating the Hasse principle for conic bundles (Sam Roven, University of Washington) -
- Bertini irreducibility theorems via statistics (Bjorn Poonen, MIT) -
- An Asymptotic Local-Global Principle for Integral Kleinian Sphere Packings (Edna Jones, Rutgers) -
- Counting elliptic curves with prescribed torsion over imaginary quadratic fields (Allechar Serrano Lopez, University of Utah) -
- Local-global principles for norms (André MacEdo, University of Reading) -
- Northcott property for special values of L-functions. (Fabien Pazuki, University of Copenhagen) -
- Asymptotic distribution of traces of singular moduli (Nick Andersen, Brigham Young University) -
- Rational surfaces and locally recoverable codes (Anthony Várilly-Alvarado, Rice University) -
- Transcendental Brauer-Manin obstructions on a Calabi-Yau threefold (Isabel Vogt, University of Washington) -
- The elliptic sieve and Brauer groups (Masahiro Nakahara, University of Washington) -
- Searching for the impossible Azumaya Algebra (Siddharth Mathur, Arizona/Düsseldorf) -
- A geometric Euler totient function associated to non-uniform lattices in SL(2,R) (Samantha Fairchild, University of Washington) -
- Number of points on abelian varieties over finite fields (Borys Kadets (MIT)) -
- Equidistribution techniques in arithmetic dynamics: past and present (Nicole Looper, Brown University) -
- Torsion points on curves of the form $y^n = x^d + 1$ (Vishal Arul, MIT) -
- Supersingular Loci of Some Unitary Shimura Varieties (Maria Fox (Oregon)) -
- Counting elliptic curves with an N-rational isogeny (Soumya Sankar, University of Wisconsin, Madison) -
- Restriction of Scalars, Chabauty's method, and P1 minus 3 points (Nicholas Triantafillou, University of Georgia) -
- Average size of the automorphism group of smooth projective hypersurfaces (Vlad Matei, University of California, Irvine) -
- On the Yui-Zagier conjecture (Tonghai Yang, University of Wisconsin, Madison) -
- Number theory video seminar: Point counting and topology -
- Newton polygons in the Torelli locus (Yunqing Tang, Princeton) -
- Kostant’s partition function (Pamela Harris, Williams College) -
- Brauer and Homotopy Obstructions to Rational Points (David Corwin, UC Berkeley) -
- Frobenius distributions (Edgar Costa, MIT) -
- The Artin-Tate pairing on the Brauer group of a surface. (Tony Feng (Stanford)) -