Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Seminar
Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Seminar
UW Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Seminar meets on Tuesday afternoons at 2:30pm in Padelford C-38. In addition to the past events listed below, old abstracts from 2002-2006 are also available.
For the current seminar schedule please go to UW AAG Seminar Schedule.
This seminar may be taken for credit as Math 510A. For specific information about receiving credit, contact Sándor Kovács.
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Past Events
- The worst destabilizing 1-parameter subgroup for toric rational curves with one unibranch singularity (Dave Swinarski (Fordham University)) -
- Du Bois singularities and the Minimal Model Program (Haoming Ning (UW)) -
- Alternative Modular Compactifications of M_{g,n} via Cluster Algebras with applications to the MMP of \overline{M}_{g,n} (Davide Gori (Sapienza)) -
- Lower bounds on the essential dimension of reductive groups (Danny Ofek (UBC)) -
- Permutation modules and endotrivial complexes (Sam Miller (UCSC)) -
- Integral cohomology of some hypersurfaces, and applications (Nicolas Addington (University of Oregon)) -
- The nilCoxeter algebras and their cohomology (David Benson (University of Aberdeen)) -
- Moduli of Very Ample Line Bundles (Brian Nugent (UW)) -
- Hyperbolicity of the complement of generic quartic plane curves (Wern Yeong (UCLA)) -
- Rationality problems for linear spaces on pencils of quadrics (Lena Ji (UIUC)) -
- Towards a moduli theory for canonical models of foliated surfaces of general type. (Roberto Svaldi (Milan)) -
- Deforming tensor products for restricted representations of Lie algebras. (Justin Bloom (UW)) -
- Geometric local systems on very general curves (Aaron Landesman (Harvard/MIT)) -
- Curves on very general hypersurfaces (Nathan Chen (Columbia)) -
- Wall crossing for moduli of stable pairs. (Fanjun Meng (Johns Hopkins)) -
- A graph invariant from tropical homology and the Ceresa cycle (Caelan Ritter (UW)) -
- Rational v.s. k-du Bois Singularities (Ben Tighe (Oregon)) -
- Towards a geometric version of the monodromy conjecture (Ming Hao Quek (Stanford)) -
- Koszul homomorphisms and universal resolutions in local algebra (Janina Letz (U. Bielefeld and UCLA)) -
- Singularities in mixed characteristic via alterations (Karl Schwede (Utah)) -
- Smooth weighted blowdowns (Giovanni Inchiostro (UW)) -
- Anti Iitaka conjecture in positive characteristic (Iacopo Brivio (CMSA at Harvard)) -
- Moduli of curves and K-stability (Junyan Zhao (UIC)) -
- Exceptional Collections and Window Categories (Kimoi Kemboi (IAS)) -
- The cone conjecture in relative dimension 2 (Talon Stark (UCLA)) -
- Nowhere vanishing one-forms and fibrations over abelian varieties (Nathan Chen (Columbia)) -
- Towards group scheme theory in incompressible tensor categories (Guillermo Sanmarco (UW)) -
- Support varieties for finite tensor categories (Sarah Witherspoon, Texas A&M) -
- Symmetric tensor categories and skew group algebras (Sarah Witherspoon) -
- Hochschild cohomology of triangular monomial algebras (Amrei Oswald (UW)) -
- Hilbert's 13th Problem for algebraic groups ( Zinovy Reichstein (UBC)) -
- Dynamics of braid groups and slicings (Oded Yacobi, University of Sydney) -
- An introduction to braid groups (Oded Yacobi, University of Sydney) -
- Local monodromy of constructible sheaves (Deepam Patel (Purdue)) -
- Root systems, moduli spaces, and derived categories (Alicia Lamarche (Utah)) -
- Using monodromy to recover symmetries of polynomial systems (Special seminar talk) (Viktor Korotynskiy, Czech Institute for Informatics and Cybnernetics at Czech Technical University in Prague) -
- Degenerations of twisted maps to algebraic stacks (Giovanni Inchiostro (UW)) -
- Quotients for linear algebraic group actions via Geometric Invariant Theory (Eloise Hamilton (University of Cambridge)) -
- Moduli problems in abelian categories (Svetlana Makarova (UPenn)) -
- The Birational Geometry of K-Moduli Spaces (Jacob Keller (UCSD) ) -
- Local Euler characteristic for symmetric differentials on A_n singularities (Nathan Ilten-Gee (SFU)) -
- Relative Pose Problems and their Branched Covers (Tim Duff (UW)) -
- Punctual Quot scheme on cusp via Gröbner stratification (Yifeng Huang (UBC)) -
- The infinitesimal behavior of line bundles and gerbes (Siddharth Mathur (Universidad Católica de Chile)) -
- Projective moduli spaces of principal bundles of reductive groups (Tuomas Tajakka (Stockholm)) -
- Arithmetic of Kummer-type fourfolds (Sarah Frei (Dartmouth College)) -
- Moduli of low degree K3 surfaces (Kenny Ascher (UC Irvine)) -
- Specialization of dominant maps (Inder Kaur (Loughborough University)) -
- A Stacky Murphy’s Law for the Stack of Curves (Dan Bragg (University of Utah)) -
- Galois-theoretic reconstruction of schemes and étale homotopy theory (Peter Haine (Berkeley)) -