Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Seminar
Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Seminar
UW Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Seminar meets on Tuesday afternoons at 2:30pm in Padelford C-38. In addition to the past events listed below, old abstracts from 2002-2006 are also available.
For the current seminar schedule please go to UW AAG Seminar Schedule.
This seminar may be taken for credit as Math 510A. For specific information about receiving credit, contact Sándor Kovács.
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For algebraic geometry related news, announcements, etc., join the UW Algebraic Geometry Group.
Past Events
- Arakelov inequalities and boundedness for families of varieties (Behrouz Taji (UNSW)) -
- Intersection Theory on Weighted Blowups (Veronica Arena and Stephen Obinna (Brown)) -
- A geometric Hasse principle for the Brauer group (Dong Gyu Lim) -
- A geometric Hasse principle for the Brauer group (Minseon Shin) -
- Syzygies of adjoint linear series on projective varieties (Justin Lacini) -
- What are...slc and DB singularities? (Sándor Kovács) -
- Minimal model program for generalized pairs (Jihao Liu (Northwestern)) -
- Deformations of singularities, KSB stability, and flatness (Sándor Kovács (UW)) -
- Kodaira dimension and hyperbolicity for smooth families of varieties (Sung-Gi Park (Harvard)) -
- Kodaira dimension and hyperbolicity for smooth families of varieties (Sung-Gi Park (Harvard)) -
- $K$-rings of wonderful varieties and matroids (Shiyue Li (Brown University)) -
- Deformations of pairs (Dori Bejleri (Harvard)) -
- A question of Mori and families of plane curves (Kristin DeVleming (UMass Amherst)) -
- Bounded Complements for Fano varieties of coregularity one (Fernando Figueroa Zamora (Princeton)) -
- Singularities and the Behavior of the Deligne-Du Bois Complex ( Kristine Hampton (UW)) -
- The integral Chow ring of M_{1,n} for n=3,...,10 (Martin Bishop (UW)) -
- Smoothness in pencils of hypersurfaces over finite fields ( Shamil Asgarli (UBC)) -
- Singularities and their partial resolutions (Casey Koch Larue (UW)) -
- Towards the integral Chow ring of \overline M_{1,3} (Martin Bishop (UW)) -
- Intrinsic construction of moduli spaces via affine Grassmannians (Andres Fernandez Herrero (Cornell)) -
- Degenerations for products of psi and omega classes on M_{0,n}-bar (Jake Levinson (Simon Fraser)) -
- Brauer groups of moduli of hyperelliptic curves and their compactifications (Andrea Di Lorenzo (Humboldt Univ)) -
- A classification of Gorenstein compactifications of M_{1,n} (Sebastian Bozlee (Tufts)) -
- Varieties of general type with large canonical dimension (Louis Esser (UCLA)) -
- The integral Chow ring of $M_{0}(\mathbb{P}^r,d)$ (Renzo Cavalieri (Colorado State)) -
- Rational smoothness of symmetric varieties (Monty McGovern (UW)) -
- Uniform potential density for rational points on algebraic groups and elliptic K3 surfaces (Masahiro Nakahara (UW)) -
- Derangements and the p-adic incomplete gamma function (Harry Richman (UW)) -
- Test ideals for quasi-projective schemes in mixed characteristic (Karl Schwede (Utah)) -
- Morphisms and cohomology comparison for Henselian schemes (Sheela Devadas (UW)) -
- Derangements and the p-adic incomplete gamma function (Harry Richman (UW)) -
- Homology representations of compactified configurations on graphs (Claudia Yun (Brown)) -
- Infinite rank twisted vector bundles (Minseon Shin (UW)) -
- M_{1,2} bar as a weighted blowup of a weighted projective stack. (Giovanni Inchiostro (UW)) -
- The Chow rings of the moduli spaces of curves of genus 7, 8, and 9 (Samir Canning (UCSD)) -
- CANCELED: Hodge theory for tropical varieties (Omid Amini (École Polytechnique - France)) -
- Tropical Hodge theory for fans (Matthieu Piquerez (École Polytechnique - France)) -
- Elliptic Curves and Moonshine (Maryam Khaqan (Emory)) -
- Euler characteristic of the space of real irreducible multivariate polynomials and binary expansions (Trevor Hyde (Chicago)) -
- Stability of Halphen pencils of index two (Aline Zanardini (UPenn)) -
- Wall crossing morphisms for moduli of stable pairs (Giovanni Inchiostro (UW)) -
- Uniform bounds for torsion packets on tropical curves (Harry Richman (UW)) -
- Intersection theory on low-degree Hurwitz spaces (Hannah Larson (Stanford)) -
- Hochschild cohomology of general twisted tensor products (Pablo Ocal (Texas A&M)) -
- Higher direct images of log structure sheaves in positive characteristic (Charles Godfrey (UW)) -
- Uhlenbeck compactification as a Bridgeland moduli space (Tuomas Tajakka (UW)) -
- Brill-Noether theory over the Hurwitz space (Isabel Vogt (UW)) -
- From Prym-Brill-Noether theory to strata of abelian differentials: a trip through the tropics (Martin Ulirsch (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt)) -
- From Riemann surfaces to tropical curves (and back again) (Martin Ulirsch (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt)) -
- Variation of Instability in Invariant Theory (Chi-yu Cheng (UW)) -