Charles Godfrey (UW)
via Zoom
Birational invariance of the cohomology of the structure sheaf for smooth varieties is an old problem (posed by Grothendieck at the ‘58 ICM) with a rich history. I will discuss some highlights of this story, as well as work in progress on a generalization to pairs (X, \Delta) in positive characteristic.
The talk will start with a pre-seminar at 2pm:
Title:The dual complex of an snc variety
Abstract: The dual complex of an snc variety is a higher-dimensional version of the dual graph of a nodal curve — it packages the combinatorial data of the nodes and higher-codimensional intersections. In particular, it enters into a formula computing cohomology on an snc variety in terms of cohomology on its smooth components.
Zoom: https://washington.zoom.
password: etale-site