The integral Chow ring of M_{1,n} for n=3,...,10

Martin Bishop (UW)
PDL C-38
Pre-seminar 2-2:30
Title: What are Chow rings and what do they tell us?
Abstract: We will define and give intuition for the Chow ring of a scheme, and then discuss how this definition can be extended to a broader class of objects: quotient stacks.
Seminar 2:30-3:20
Title: The integral Chow ring of M_{1,n} for n=3,...,10
Abstract: Chow rings give a way to algebraically track the geometric structure of a space. We will explore the structure of M_{1,n}, the moduli space of smooth n-pointed elliptic curves, and use a stratification of it to compute its integral Chow ring for n=3,...,10.
Event Type