Sam Miller (UCSC)
PDL C-38
Title pre-seminar: Tensor-triangular geometry in modular representation theory
Abstract pre-seminar: To quote Everett C. Dade, "There are just too many modules over $p$-groups!" Indeed, the question of classifying indecomposable modular representations of finite groups is a seemingly impossible task. This suggests that instead, we should attempt to classify modules up to some notion of equivalence. Tensor-triangular geometry provides a framework to do this, by instead proposing that we classify all the thick tensor ideals of the stable module category stmod(kG). In this talk, I will give an overview of these topics, introducing tensor-triangular geometry with a focus on its application to modular representation theory.
Title seminar:Permutation modules and endotrivial complexes
Abstract seminar: Let $G$ be a finite group and $k$ a field of characteristic $p > 0$. The recent work of Balmer and Gallauer has illuminated much about the bounded homotopy category of $p$-permutation modules, $K^b(p\operatorname{-perm}(kG)