Heather Lee
PAA A110 and via Zoom (https://washington.zoom.us/j/92753543960)
Physics/Astronomy Auditorium, 3910 15th Ave NE, Seattle, WA 98105 - Google Map
Mirror symmetry is a duality between symplectic geometry and complex geometry. The homological mirror symmetry (HMS) conjecture was formulated by Kontsevich in 1994 to fully capture this phenomenon for compact Calabi-Yau manifolds. Since then, it has been extended to cover a much wider range of manifolds. In this talk, I will give a few illustrative examples of HMS, starting with HMS for 2-real dimensional tori. Part of this talk is based on joint work with Haniya Azam, Catherine Cannizzo, and Chiu-Chu Melissa Liu.
Zoom passcode: colloquium