Faculty Meeting

Padelford C-36


  1. Call to Order
  2. Chair's Remarks
  3. Announcements
    • Graduate Program – Isabella Novik
    • AAP hiring – Christopher Hoffman
  4. Committee Reports
  5. New Business
  6. Executive Session
  7. Adjournment


The regular meeting of the faculty of the Department of Mathematics was held in C-36 Padelford Hall at 3:30pm, December 4, 2018. John Palmieri, Chair, presided at the meeting. Rose Choi was recording secretary.

The meeting began with approval of the previous meeting’s minutes. 

Chair's Remarks

The lecturer search is now underway and an appointments committee consisting of John Palmieri, Ken Bube, and Andy Loveless will oversee the applications and hiring.  The goal is to add enough new faculty to help offset the added course loads anticipated for next year. 

Professor Palmieri reports that the College will be in good shape financially for the next year or two which should allow the department to extend multiple offers this winter. 

The Executive committee has recommended suspending all bylaws until further review.  Until then, the department will work under the University Faculty Code.  Ron Irving and Matt Conroy will assist in the development of new bylaws.  A vote was taken, passed, and approved by all.


Professor Novik announced that very few topics classes were suitable for meeting the requirements for 1st year graduate students.  The Graduate Program committee has advised that the department rethink their topics classes to accommodate more 1st years and perhaps restructure core courses to make them more popular with 1st year graduates.

Professor Hoffman announced that PIMS is now searching for a new Deputy Director.  Applications are available online and candidates from outside of Vancouver are encouraged to apply.  Tatiana Toro serves on the Board of Directors, and Sándor Kovács serves on the Scientific Review Panel.

The deadline for AAP applications was December 1st and files can be viewed on MathJobs.  Mentors are needed so please review the applications and send suggestions to the AAP committee by January 1st.  They hope to make offers by late January and are aiming for a more diverse group this year.  A voting scheme will be decided later on. 


There being no new business, the meeting passed into executive session at 4:01pm.

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