Loewner chains provide a way to encode certain curves in a planar domain
by real-valued "driving" functions. Originally a purely complex analytic
tool to study conformal maps, it has turned out to be very useful in
defining SLE, a "uniformly random" curve in a domain. Not any curve can
be described as a Loewner chain, but the ones that can (we call them
traces) may look very wild and even be space-filling. Intuitively,
traces are characterised by the property that whenever they
self-intersect, they need to "bounce off" instead of "crossing over". In
this talk, I will present three equivalent ways of describing this
property precisely. If time allows, I will present another result about
the dependence of SLE on a parameter $\kappa$ that describes its level of
Topological characterisations of Loewner traces
Yizheng Yuan, Berlin
PDL C-401