- Call to Order
- Chair's Remarks
- Announcements
- Results of 2nd-try prelims - Novik
- Committee Reports
- Undergraduate Program Committee - Devinatz
- New Business
- Executive Session
- Adjournment
The regular meeting of the faculty of the Department of Mathematics was held via Zoom at 3:30pm PST, April 7, 2020. John Palmieri, Chair, presided at the meeting. Rose Choi was recording secretary.
The meeting began with approval of the previous meeting’s minutes.
Chair's Remarks
Professor Palmieri announced a change to the agenda. The prelims will now be discussed during executive session.
In keeping with Washington state law, these meetings will be kept open to the public. However, executive session will be locked for voting members.
A special appreciation was extended to Professor Morrow for his hard work and dedication to Mathday. We are all disappointed at its sudden cancellation.
Given the current global and financial situation, the previous reports provided at the all-chairs meetings re: budget may no longer be accurate. An update will be provided once more information becomes available.
An updated hiring plan will be developed to be sent to the College. As previously discussed, there will be no tenure-track or full-time lecturer hires in the coming year. Postdoc hiring will proceed as usual.
Professor Lee announced that the vote to retitle full-time lecturers (with at least 50% FTE annual or multi-year appointment) with professorial ranks and titles has been approved.
Committee Reports
Professors Palmieri and Devinatz announced that the Undergraduate Program Committee has proposed the following changes:
- Renaming Math 411/2 and Math 444/5
- Adding Math 180, a 100-level special topics course
- Adding courses Math 115, 215, 315, 415 for students studying abroad
- Changing the prerequisites for Math 126 to disallow the use of the AB advanced placement test
- Replacing the current placement test for calculus with a guided self-assessment.
A vote was held, passed, and approved.
There being no new business, the meeting passed into executive session at 3:53pm.