- Call to Order
- Chair's Remarks
- Announcements
- Committee Reports
- New Business
- Executive Session
- Adjournment
The regular meeting of the faculty of the Department of Mathematics was held via Zoom at 11:00am PST, September 29, 2020. John Palmieri, Chair, presided at the meeting. Rose Choi was recording secretary.
The meeting began with approval of the previous meeting’s minutes.
Chair's Remarks
Professor Palmieri introduced the department’s newest faculty members. Among the tenure-track faculty are Alexis Drouot (partial differential equations, mathematical physics, & dynamical systems), Eric Larson (algebraic geometry), Gaku Liu (geometric combinatorics), Stefan Steinerberger (PDEs, spectral theory, & harmonic analysis), and Isabel Vogt (algebraic geometry and number theory). The five new Postdoctoral Scholars are Silvia Ghinassi (geometric measure theory and harmonic analysis) who will be working with Tatiana Toro, Giovanni Inchiostro (algebraic geometry) who will be working with Jarod Alper, Masahiro Nakahara (algebraic geometry, number theory, & rational points) who will be working with Bianca Viray, Harry Richman (combinatorics, tropical geometry, & number theory) who will be working with Farbod Shokrieh, and Yang Zhang (inverse problems, integral geometry, & microlocal analysis) who will be working with Gunther Uhlmann. We also have a new Acting Assistant Professor, Zhixu Su who comes to us from Indiana University, and two new Graduate Student Representatives, Jessie Loucks and Martin Bishop.
Traditionally, this first meeting of the school year is when the dates for the department dinner, Milliman lectures, and other major campus-wide events are announced. However, given the present situation, none of these events have proposed dates at that time.
There will not be any tenure-track hires this year, but we will conduct a postdoc search.
Thanks were extended to everyone who put in the extra work this year to prepare classes not just for this fall, but during the adjustment this past spring and summer, and to those who attended and organized virtual seminars and conferences while also maintaining and developing connections with each other as well as with the overall community. Specific thanks go out to Chris Burdzy, Steve Sheetz, and Kevin Loranger for handling all the equipment requests; to Sarah Garner and the student services team for fielding all the students and patiently dealing with the faculty during this unusual time; the front office staff who transitioned the office seamlessly; to Bella Novik for 3 years as the Graduate Program Coordinator, Ken Bube for 2 years as the Associate Chair, and Jack Lee for 3 years running Graduate Admissions. Professor Palmieri is looking forward to working with Max Lieblich as the new GPC, Rekha Thomas as the new Associate Chair, and Sara Billey as the new Director of Graduate Admissions.
There being no new business, the meeting passed into executive session at 11:13am.