Session 2

Jarod Alper / Jayadev Athreya
Held via Zoom
Jarod Alper

Please join us for our second Current Topics Seminar meeting!

During this week's seminar, we will hear from

Jarod Alper (Algebraic Geometry)
Title: Introduction to Moduli Spaces
Abstract:  We will discuss cats, triangles and curves.


Jayadev Athreya (Geometric and Dynamical Systems)
Title: Apollonian Circle Packings: a Radicant Story
Abstract: We'll talk about a piece of mathematics that exemplifies many of the things I love about math- community, diversity, collaboration, beautiful images, and an ongoing story of discovery. Lots of pictures! 

Please come by as we explore the research that is happening right here at UW Math!


Current Topics is a seminar aimed primarily at first- and second-year students who are interested in learning about what research paths are available to them at UW as well as what different professors require of their students and how they view the mentor-student relationship. Please join us biweekly for a pair of brief talks aimed at getting you into mathematics research at UW.

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