- Call to Order
- Chair's Remarks
- Announcements
- Diversity Committee - Viray
- Committee Reports
- Executive Committee - Palmieri
- Planning Committee - Thomas
- Graduate Program Committee - Lieblich
- Undergraduate Program Committee - Devinatz
- New Business
- Executive Session
- Adjournment
The regular meeting of the faculty of the Department of Mathematics was held via Zoom at 3:30pm PST, March 9, 2021. John Palmieri, Chair, presided at the meeting and was recording secretary.
The meeting began with approval of the previous meeting’s minutes.
Chair's Remarks
Hiring plans are to be submitted to the dean in April. (This is separate from the Planning Committee's document, to be discussed later today). The chair will send a draft to the department for review to be discussed at the April department meeting.
Per last week's college chairs and directors meeting, it was announced that the next academic year is being planned for in-person instruction; however, details cannot be confirmed just yet. The early fall start is slated to be remote regardless of the rest of the year.
Postdoc negotiations have concluded successfully.
The UAW Academic Student Employees (ASEs) contract expires on April 30th. Negotiations will start soon.
The Diversity Committee will work on drafting diversity rubrics for tenure-track hiring and welcomes input. If you have any ideas/thoughts/concerns on what should (or should not) be included in a rubric, please contact Bianca Viray.
Committee Reports
The Executive Committee recommends adopting the College's guidelines for promotion and tenure. Two changes were proposed: discussing authorship order for math papers and addressing the ways the department evaluates teaching. The guidelines will be revised and voted on later.
The Planning Committee presented its proposal for tenure-track hiring. A vote was held, passed, and approved.
The Graduate Program Committee announced that for graduate courses, student evaluations will be opt-out instead of opt-in. The committee proposed that the foreign language/computer exam be removed from the department's PhD degree requirements. A vote was held, passed, and approved.
The Undergraduate Program Committee proposed that course catalog descriptions for Math 402 and Math 403 be revised: for several years, Math 402 has covered ring theory, and Math 403 has covered group theory. The committee proposed that the catalog be changed to reflect this. A vote was held, passed, and approved.
There being no new business, the meeting passed into executive session at 4:10pm.