- Call to Order
- Chair's Remarks
- Announcements
- Addressing academic misconduct - Community Standards & Student Conduct office
- PIMS - Jayadev Athreya
- Putnam - Julia Pevtsova
- Committee Reports
- Graduate Program - Max Lieblich
- New Business
- Executive Session
- Adjournment
The regular meeting of the faculty of the Department of Mathematics was held via Zoom at 3:30pm PST, October 12, 2021. John Palmieri, Chair, presided at the meeting. Rose Choi was recording secretary.
The meeting began with approval of the previous meeting’s minutes.
Chair's Remarks
A recent policy change now requires a minimum notice of 3 weeks in order to book classrooms for office hours or exam reviews. Please plan accordingly.
Instructors are needed to teach sections of calculus this winter quarter. Please let John know if you are able to take on one of these sections.
The Executive Committee has voted to extend the current contract for postdocs entering into their third year for an additional fully-funded year citing employment hardships within the academic community due to the pandemic.
The Executive Committee recommends renewing the current policies:
- Merit and merit salary increases for full professors: The Personnel Committee would advise the chair on recommendations for salary increases for professors, other than the members of the Personnel Committee. The chair will determine merit and salary increases for members of the Personnel Committee.
- Pre-emptive offers: The chair, with the approval of the Personnel Committee, shall act on behalf of the department; the chair and the committee may consult with faculty as they deem appropriate.
- Counter-offers: The chair, in consultation with the Personnel Committee and other colleagues as they deem suitable, shall act on behalf of the department.
- Part-time lecturer hiring: The current policy is to delegate authority to a committee consisting of the chair, the UPC, and the GPC.
The current merit review process itself is being reconsidered by the Executive Committee. An email with more details will be sent out to voting faculty.
A motion was carried, votes held, and passed. All were in favor of retaining these policies.
The 2022 meeting schedule was reviewed and approved.
Disha Osika-Dass and Deanne Liu of the Community Standards & Student Conduct office (CSSC) gave a presentation on addressing academic misconduct (the reporting process, as well as the updated COVID-19 Face Covering Policy as it relates to student behavior in the classroom).
Professor Athreya, serving as the Interim Director of the Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences (PIMS), alerted faculty of funding opportunities available through PIMS for events such as workshops, seminars, and summer schools. Funding proposals are evaluated annually by the Scientific Review Panel with a deadline of October 15th. However, smaller investments (less than $5,000CAD) are considered on an ongoing basis.
Professor Athreya announced that he and Professor Wilson are involved with organizing the 2022 Pacific Rim Mathematical Association Congress (PRIMA) to be held in Vancouver, Canada, December 4-9. He also shared news that the website, which allows you to launch Jupyter, is available for free to the UW community as a benefit of PIMS membership.
Professor Pevtsova announced that the Putnam prep sessions will resume this year and encouraged faculty to reach out to potential students who may be interested in participating in the Putnam Competition to contact her or Professor Ostroff for details on how to join. Sessions will run on Monday evenings in Loew Hall.
Committee Reports
The Graduate Program committee report will be shared in the executive session.
There being no new business, the meeting passed into executive session at 4:14pm.