Combinatorial atlas for log-concave inequalities

Swee Hong Chan, University of California Los Angeles
PDL C-38 and via Zoom Link:
Swee Hong Chan


The study of log-concave inequalities for combinatorial objects has seen much progress in recent years. One such progress is the solution to the strongest form of Mason's conjecture (independently by Anari-Liu-Oveis Gharan-Vinzant and Brándën-Huh) that the f-vectors of matroid independence complex is ultra-log-concave. In this talk, we discuss a new proof of this result through linear algebra and discuss generalizations to greedoids and posets.
This is a joint work with Igor Pak. This talk is aimed at a general audience.

Note: This talk begins with a pre-seminar (aimed at graduate students) at 3:30–4:00. The main talk starts at 4:10.

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