Faculty Meeting

via Zoom


  1. Call to Order
  2. Chair's Remarks
  3. Announcements
  4. Committee Reports
    • Appointments - Viray
  5. New Business
  6. Executive Session
  7. Adjournment


The regular meeting of the faculty of the Department of Mathematics was held virtually via Zoom at 3:30pm PST, October 17, 2023. Max Lieblich, Chair, presided at the meeting. Rose Choi was recording secretary.

Chair's Remarks

The Chair welcomed everyone to the first department meeting of the year and thanked all who attended the start-of-year party last month.

Max would like feedback from the department regarding Interfolio, now owned by Elsevier, to relay to Assistant Vice Provost Margaret (Peg) Stuart. Please email him your comments.

The department is conducting a search for three assistant professor hires this year. It’s one of the main tasks for the year so please be alert of updates and get involved as much as possible.

Abel Rodriguez, the Chair of the Department of Statistics, suggested combining the efforts of our department with theirs and Applied Math to apply for a Mathematical Sciences Research Institute grant from the NSF. This may include the collaboration of two other institutions, such as UT Austin and Michigan. A potential theme could be the foundations of data which allows for a broad interpretation. Slides will be shared with the faculty after the meeting. If you are interested in being involved and helping put together the proposal, please contact Max. The proposal is due to the NSF in March so we’ll need to decide whether to pursue this by the end of October.

Max will be sending out an email clarifying the various departmental email lists.

Committee Reports

The Appointments Committee announced that the target deadline for the assistant professor applications was by end of day this Sunday, October 15. They have started to look through the files; currently there are 271 applicants. The committee would like faculty to be involved throughout the process. For the first round, please send your comments of support for strong candidates to Rose who will share these with the committee. As a reminder, the first round will look at publication quality and community recognition of research. This will be followed by awards/grants and speaking opportunities. A detailed email will follow this meeting. Please send your input by next Monday at 3pm.

We are aiming to make offers to candidates before the break in order to stay competitive with when other schools make their offers. This will mean that interviews and the Brownellization meeting will have to take place before the end of the term so please save these dates:

  • December 12 (tentatively at 10am): Brownellization meeting in a location TBD with refreshments
  • November 12 thru December 8: Interviews with candidates. Please consider leaving space in your calendar for these weeks so that you can meet with job candidates and attend their talks.

Regarding our legal responsibilities when interacting with job candidates, please keep in mind the University’s Guidelines for Pre-Employment Inquiries. Please review this information before communicating with any job candidates. Searches can be cancelled for violating these practices. This includes candidates with whom you are already familiar. Do not disclose previously known demographic information regarding any candidate to the committee. All demographic information must be freely expressed solely by the candidate during the course of the search. If you are uncertain how to handle the flow of information, please direct candidates to contact the search committee or ask the Chair for guidance.

New Business

The Chair advised everyone to be careful not to use personal email addresses when engaging in university business as university emails are public documents. Therefore, your personal emails will be vulnerable to discovery if requested by a court of law. This is in keeping with the University’s policy.


The meeting passed into executive session at 3:49pm.

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