Jobs Lunch

hosted by Sara Billey and Paige Helms
Padelford Math Conference Room inside the Main Office

Are you a graduate student applying for jobs this year?  If so, please join us for a brown bag lunch on Thursday Oct 3 at 1:00pm - 2:00pm.  We will either be in the conference room or in the lounge.  Bring your own lunch.   This is a supportive gathering to share ideas and information about the job application process and to encourage camaraderie.  We will talk about creating application materials, requesting letters of recommendation, and how to find the advertisements for jobs of interest to you.   Faculty are welcome to come share their experience with applications and on the hiring committee.   

Please note, the lunch is open only to students who are currently applying for jobs and/or planning to graduate this year.   See the talk in November aimed at  transition to research if just want a feeling for what comes next.   

Event Type