- Call to Order
- Chair's Remarks
- Announcements
- AAP hiring - Zhang
- Accessible Course Materials and Canvas - Taggart
- Committee Reports
- Graduate Program - Lieblich & Pevtsova
- New Business
- Executive Session
- Adjournment
The regular meeting of the faculty of the Department of Mathematics was held virtually via Zoom at 3:30pm PST, December 3, 2024. Max Lieblich, Chair, presided over the meeting. Rose Choi was the recording secretary.
Chair's Remarks
Please remember to submit your receipts for reimbursement within 90 days of purchase.
The business@math email should be reserved strictly for departmental business only. Please post all other messages to bboard@math.
The scheduling form for courses has been modified to better address scheduling needs.
The previous meeting’s minutes were approved and all future minutes will be approved via consent agenda.
The department will need to make some budgetary cuts for this year to make up for the losses accrued over the summer and the recent hires.
The Structure Committee has been working on how to distribute the undergraduate teaching effort among the tenure-track faculty. Awards, recognitions, etc are also in the works.
The College will increase the temporary instructional funding by 3% over the next 3 years.
The deadline for applications to the Acting Assistant Professorship search is next week. Faculty can review the materials on Interfolio over the winter break with a meeting to discuss the candidates in late January. If you would like to send recommendations to the search committee, you can do so by email James Zhang. We hope to hire 2-3 AAPs.
Jenni Taggart and UW-IT have created a UW Math group on Canvas Commons to streamline the effort of finding and connecting with other departmental members who wish to access and share their old courses with each other. Detailed instructions on how to join and navigate the program will be sent via email.
In preparation for the new digital accessibility rule under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), please familiarize yourself with the guidelines and techniques for creating accessible course content. The University has a guide at
Committee Reports
Summer teaching applications will go out this Friday. There will likely be far more students interested than there are available positions.
As grad student salaries are slated to increase by 30% over the next 3 years with the recently negotiated Union contract, and with no additional funds coming from the College, the department needs to shrink their program size and rethink its values and direction. There will be a survey sent out with group discussions to take place in January and February. The Graduate Program Committee hopes to present a plan in April or May with implementation in May.
New Business
Sara Billey is working on an alumni event during the JMM in January. Details will go out shortly.
Please send Farbod Shokrieh feedback by Thursday on the Faculty Senate item re: Updating Faculty Code language on effective teaching.
The meeting passed into executive session at 4:32pm.