- Call to Order
- Chair's Remarks
- Announcements
- Colloquium - Rohde
- Committee Reports
- New Business
- Executive Session
- Adjournment
The regular meeting of the faculty of the Department of Mathematics was held virtually via Zoom at 3:30pm PST, January 7, 2025. Max Lieblich, Chair, presided over the meeting. Rose Choi was the recording secretary.
Chair's Remarks
Much thanks to Rekha Thomas and her committee for setting up the new math Instagram account @uofwa.math.
There’s a new alumni board spearheaded by Sara Billey who has also put together an alumni gathering at the JMM.
The faculty shared their memories of Ed Curtis and David Ragozin.
There are three colloquia this quarter starting off with Bryna Kra from Northwestern University on February 14. Please aim to come to these talks, as well as the pre-colloquium tea. The full schedule of the talks can be found at
All faculty should have received a survey from the Graduate Committee gauging their thoughts on the future of the graduate program. Please fill this out as feedback is vital to how the program is shaped.
New Business
The alumni gathering is at 7pm at the Sheraton during the JMM. Many alumni have confirmed so please be sure to attend. There is also a new LinkedIn page for the department that will be regularly maintained along with the new Instagram.
There will be a grad student award ceremony at the end of the month.
The previous meeting’s minutes will be voted on by consent agenda at the next month’s meeting.
The meeting passed into executive session at 3:57pm.