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Events Archive

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Title/Speaker Date and Time Location
UW-PIMS Colloquium: [Video] Gerald Folland from University of Washington Feb 22 2013 - 2:30pm DEN 216
UW-PIMS Colloquium: Exotic spheres and topological modular forms
Mark Behrens, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Feb 4 2013 - 2:30pm MEB 246
UW-PIMS Colloquium: [Video] Thomas Rothvoss from Massachusetts Institute of Technology Feb 1 2013 - 2:30pm LOW 102
UW-PIMS Colloquium: Dmitriy Drusvyatskiy from Cornell University Jan 29 2013 - 2:30pm MEB 246
UW-PIMS Colloquium: Katya Krupchyk from University of Helsinki Jan 28 2013 - 2:30pm THO 135
UW-PIMS Colloquium: [Video] Fredrik Viklund from Columbia University Jan 25 2013 - 2:30pm LOW 102
UW-PIMS Colloquium: Reinier Bröker from Brown University Jan 22 2013 - 2:30pm LOW 101
UW-PIMS Colloquium: [Video] Mathias Drton from UW Statistics Department Jan 18 2013 - 2:30pm DEN 216
UW-PIMS Colloquium: [Video] Max Warshauer from Texas State University Nov 16 2012 - 2:30pm Sieg 225
UW-PIMS Colloquium: [Video] Matthew Kahle from Ohio State University Oct 5 2012 - 2:30pm Sieg 225
UW-PIMS Colloquium: [Video] Bruce Reznick from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign May 18 2012 - 2:30pm MEB 238
UW-PIMS Colloquium: [Video] Christopher Hacon from University of Utah Apr 6 2012 - 2:30pm CHL 015
UW-PIMS Colloquium: [Video] Jonathan Brundan from University of Oregon Mar 9 2012 - 2:30pm DEN 216
UW-PIMS Colloquium: [Video] Edward Witten from Institute for Advanced Study Feb 17 2012 - 2:30pm SMI 205
UW-PIMS Colloquium: [Video] Kristin Lauter from Microsoft Research and University of Washington Jan 13 2012 - 2:30pm DEN 216
UW-PIMS Colloquium: [Video] On the Topology of Black Holes
Greg Galloway, University of Miami
Nov 8 2011 - 2:30pm
UW-PIMS Colloquium: [Video] Two Needles in Exponential Haystacks
Joel Spencer, New York University
Oct 14 2011 - 2:30pm
UW-PIMS Colloquium: The Static and Stochastic Ising Models
Eyal Lubetzky, Microsoft Research and UW
May 20 2011 - 2:30pm
UW-PIMS Colloquium: From Hilbert's 17th Problem to Polynomial Optimization and Convex Algebraic Geometry
Rekha Thomas, University of Washington
Apr 29 2011 - 2:30pm
UW-PIMS Colloquium: Testing the Manifold Hypothesis
Hariharan Narayanan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mar 29 2011 - 2:30pm
UW-PIMS Colloquium: [Video] The Critical Probability of Percolation: Percolation on Self-Dual Polygon Configurations 
Béla Bollobás, University of Cambridge, University of Memphis, and Microsoft
Feb 18 2011 - 2:30pm
UW-PIMS Colloquium: [Video] A Survey of Alternating Permutations
Richard Stanley, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Jan 14 2011 - 2:30pm
UW-PIMS Colloquium: Birational Classification of Algebraic Varieties
Christopher Hacon, University of Utah
Nov 23 2010 - 2:30pm
UW-PIMS Colloquium: [Video] Potential Theory Meets Geometric Measure Theory
Tatiana Toro, University of Washington
Oct 29 2010 - 2:30pm
UW-PIMS Colloquium: The Geometry of Reimann's Theta Functions
Sebastian Casalaina-Martin, University of Colorado, Boulder
Oct 15 2010 - 2:30pm
UW-PIMS Colloquium: [Video] Quasirandom Processes
Jim Propp, University of Massachusetts Lowell
May 28 2010 - 2:30pm
UW-PIMS Colloquium: [Video] The Optimization Work of Paul Tseng
Zhi-Quan (Tom) Luo, University of Minnesota
May 7 2010 - 2:30pm
UW-PIMS Colloquium: [Video] Generalizing the Cross Ratio: The Moduli Space of n Points on the Projective Line Up to Projective Equivalence
Ravi Vakil, Stanford University
Apr 30 2010 - 2:30pm
UW-PIMS Colloquium: [Video] Weak Solution Concepts for Nonlinear Elliptic PDE and Associated Regularity
Neil Trudinger, Australian National University
Apr 16 2010 - 2:30pm
UW-PIMS Colloquium: [Video] Issues in Multivariate Polynomial Interpolation
Carl de Boor, University of Wisconsin and UW (affiliate)
Feb 5 2010 - 2:30pm
UW-PIMS Colloquium: [Video] Growth Rates and Explosions in Sandpiles
Lionel Levine, M.I.T. and Microsoft Research
Jan 29 2010 - 2:30pm
UW-PIMS Colloquium: [Video] Random Sorting Networks
Alexander Holroyd, University of British Columbia & Microsoft Research
Jan 15 2010 - 2:30pm
UW-PIMS Colloquium: [Video] Cloaking and Transformation Optics
Gunther Uhlmann, University of Washington
Nov 20 2009 - 2:30pm
UW-PIMS Colloquium: [Video] Character Formulas
Bill Fulton, University of Michigan
Nov 6 2009 - 2:30pm
UW-PIMS Colloquium: Shuffling Cards and Adding Numbers
Persi Diaconis, Stanford University
Oct 23 2009 - 2:30pm

