Past Events
- Students' Algebraic Geometry Seminar : Fourier-Mukai Partners of K3 Surfaces (Daniel Rostamloo, University of Washington) -
- Lawrence polytopes of a graph (Changxin Ding, Georgia Institute of Technology) -
- Strange shadows of $\ell_p$-balls (Mathias Sonnleitner (University of Alberta)) -
- Generic positivity of the Beilinson-Bloch height of Gross-Schoen and Ceresa cycles (Ziyang Gao, UCLA) -
- Combinatorics and statistics for shifts of finite type (Jacob Richey, Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics) -
- High-throughput optimization of DNA-aptamer secondary structure for classification and machine learn (Andrea Bertozzi, UCLA) -
- A fourth moment theorem for estimating subgraph counts (Dan Mikulincer, University of Washington) -
- Back-to-School seminar: Affine Group Schemes of Multiplicative Type (Charlie Magland) -
- Some combinatorial/analytic problems involving matrices (Stefan Steinerberger) -
- Students' Algebraic Geometry Seminar : Hodge Theory from an Algebraic Perspective (Brian Nugent, University of Washington) -
- Combinatorial statistics and the q,t-Catalan numbers (Spencer Daugherty, University of Colorado Boulder) -
- Integral cohomology of some hypersurfaces, and applications (Nicolas Addington (University of Oregon)) -
- A Chebotarev Density Theorem over Local Fields (John Yin, Ohio State University) -
- Stability and statistical inference for semi-discrete optimal transport (Ritwik Sadhu, University of Washington) -
- Back-to-School seminar: Computing bordism rings with homotopy theory (Jay Reiter) -
- Mathematical results on topological insulators (Alexis Drouot) -
- Students' Algebraic Geometry Seminar : Singularities and Vanishing Theorems (Sándor Kovács (University of Washington)) -
- On e-positivity of the chromatic symmetric function (Foster Tom, Massachusetts Institute of Technology) -
- The nilCoxeter algebras and their cohomology (David Benson (University of Aberdeen)) -
- Y Math? Y Math! Y Math?! (Adrian KC Lee) -
- Back-to-School seminar: Interactions between algebraic geometry and homotopy theory (Jackson Morris) -
- Students' Algebraic Geometry Seminar : Structure of Semiorthogonal Decompositions (Leopold Mayer, University of Washington ) -
- Chromatic Symmetric Functions and Polynomial Invariants of Trees (Jeremy Martin, University of Kansas) -
- Moduli of Very Ample Line Bundles (Brian Nugent (UW)) -
- Wasserstein mirror gradient flows and the low temperature limit of the Sinkhorn algorithm (Soumik Pal, University of Washington) -
- Back-to-School seminar: Galois groups, fundamental groups, and the étale fundamental group (Mal Dolorfino) -
- Students' Algebraic Geometry Seminar : Brauer group and twisted derived categories (Ting Gong, University of Washington ) -
- Log-Concavity of the Alexander Polynomial for Special Alternating Links (Elena Hafner, University of Washington) -
- Algorithmic methods in geometric measure theory (Donald Stull (University of Chicago)) -
- The Twenty Fourth Northwest Probability Seminar -
- Back-To-School Seminar: The Brauer-Manin obstruction on del Pezzo surfaces of degree 2. (Alex Wang) -
- Universality in high-dimensional probability (Dan Mikulincer) -
- Students' Algebraic Geometry Seminar : Exceptional Objects and Semi Orthogonal Decomposition (Arkamouli Debnath, University of Washington ) -
- Smooth Points on Positroid Varieties (Joseph Fluegemann, Cornell University) -
- Hyperbolicity of the complement of generic quartic plane curves (Wern Yeong (UCLA)) -
- Non-vanishing of Ceresa and Gross--Kudla--Schoen cycles (Wanlin Li, Washington University in St. Louis ) -
- An improved bound on sums of square roots via the subspace theorem (Friedrich Eisenbrand, EPFL) -
- Chatterjee's rank correlation: what is new? (Fang Han, University of Washington) -
- Back-To-School seminar: Non-Intersecting Paths and Real-Rooted Polynomials (Isaiah Siegl) -
- Geodesic X-ray transforms (Gabriel Paternain) -
- GSAS: Iterated Schr\"{o}dinger Bridge Approximation to Wasserstein Gradient Flows (Garrett Mulcahy, University of Washington) -
- Students' Algebraic Geometry Seminar : Fourier-Mukai transformations (Soham Ghosh, University of Washington) -
- Cyclically ordered quivers (Scott Neville, University of Michigan) -
- Rationality problems for linear spaces on pencils of quadrics (Lena Ji (UIUC)) -
- Uniqueness and CLT for the ground state Disordered Monomer-Dimer Model on \${\mathbb Z}^d\$ (Kesav Krishnan, University of Victoria) -
- Back To School Seminar: Mating of Continuum Random Trees (Linhang Huang) -
- Conics and Cubics (Sándor Kovács) -
- GSAS: Lightning Talks (Ryan Bushling, Linhang Huang, Jack Kendrick, Garrett Mulcahy, Sebastian Munoz-Thon, Sean Richardson, Ignacio Tejeda) -
- Students' Algebraic Geometry Seminar : Triangle Power (Leopold Mayer, University of Washington) -
- Łojasiewicz inequalities and mean curvature flow (Jonathan Zhu (UW)) -