May 19 2024, 1
- 2pm
ARC 147
UW-PIMS Colloquium: Journey to the Center of the Earth Gunther Uhlmann, University of Washington
May 17 2024, 3:30
- 4:30pm
ECE 125
Graduate Student Seminars: 1-2-3 Seminar: Stacking bug eyes Ting Gong, University of Washington
May 17 2024, 2:30
- 3:30pm
PDL C-401
Graduate Student Seminars: The Anisotropic Gaussian Isoperimetric Inequality and Ehrhard Symmetrization Kuan-Ting Yeh, University of Washington
May 16 2024, 12:30
- 1:20pm
PDL C-401
Combinatorics and Geometry Seminar: The merging operation and (d-i)-simplicial i-simple d-polytopes Hailun Zheng, University of Houston-Downtown
May 15 2024, 3:30
- 5pm
PDL C-401 and via Zoom Link: https://washington.zoom.us/j/91547335974
Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Seminar: Curves on very general hypersurfaces Nathan Chen (Columbia)
May 14 2024, 2:30pm
PDL C-38
Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Seminar: Wall crossing for moduli of stable pairs. Fanjun Meng (Johns Hopkins)
May 14 2024, 1:30pm
PDL C-38
Graduate Student Seminars: Algebraic Geometry Student's Seminar : Brauer Groups and Quotient Stacks Ting Gong, University of Washington
May 13 2024, 4
- 5pm
CMU 228
AWM Speaker Series: AWM event for Women in Math Day Bianca Viray, Emily Casey, Suh Young Choi, Be'eri Greenfeld, Kaitlynn Lilly, Julie Curtis, Sarafina Ford, Grace O'Brien, Xiaowen Zhu; University of Washington
May 13 2024, 3:30
- 6pm
PAA A110
Probability Seminar: Cutoff profiles, from transpositions to more general conjugacy classes Lucas Teyssier, UBC
May 13 2024, 2:30
- 3:20pm
CLK 219
UW-PIMS Colloquium: Harmonic Functions and Beyond YanYan Li, Rutgers University
May 10 2024, 3:30
- 4:30pm
ECE 125
Graduate Student Seminars: 1-2-3 Seminar: What is a cohomology operation? Alex Waugh, University of Washington
May 10 2024, 2:30
- 3:30pm
PDL C-401
Topology Seminar: Building relations on persistence modules from data Chad Giusti, Oregon State University
May 9 2024, 3:30
- 4:30pm
PDL C-401
Inverse Problems Seminar: Recovery of time-dependent coefficients in hyperbolic equations on Riemannian manifolds from partial data Boya Liu, North Carolina State University
May 9 2024, 1:30
- 2:20pm
PDL C-38
Graduate Student Seminars: Quantitative control of the epsilon-function determines regularity Emily Casey, University of Washington
May 9 2024, 12:30
- 1:20pm
PDL C-401
Combinatorics and Geometry Seminar: h-vector Inequalities Under Weak Maps Alex Mason, University of Washington
May 8 2024, 4:10
- 5pm
PDL C-401 and via Zoom Link: https://washington.zoom.us/j/91547335974
Graduate Exams: Final Exam Alex Mason
May 8 2024, 4:10pm
PDL C-38
Differential Geometry/PDE Seminar: Inversion of trace formulas for inverse spectral problems (Joint with IP seminar) Jian Zhai, Fudan U., China
May 8 2024, 4
- 5pm
PDL C-38
Math Department: Faculty Meeting
May 7 2024, 3:30
- 4:30pm
via Zoom
Graduate Exams: Final Exam Haim Grebnev
May 7 2024, 2pm
LOW 201
Rainwater Seminar: Siegel-Veech Constants of Cyclic Covers of Generic Translation Surfaces David Aulicino (Brooklyn College)
May 7 2024, 1:30
- 3:30pm
PDL C-401
Graduate Student Seminars: Algebraic Geometry Student's Seminar - Equidistribution of repelling periodic points in non-archimedean dynamics Lorenzo Bottiglione (University of Washington)
May 6 2024, 4
- 5pm
CMU 228
Probability Seminar: Computational Nonlinear Filtering: A Deep Learning Approach George Yin, University of Connecticut
May 6 2024, 2:30
- 3:20pm
CLK 219
Graduate Student Seminars: 1-2-3 Seminar: Hyperplanes, Posets, and Cohomology, Oh My! Cameron Wright, University of Washington
May 3 2024, 2:30
- 3:30pm
PDL C-401
Graduate Exams: Final Exam Jessie Loucks-Tavitas
May 3 2024, 9:45am
CMU 243
Graduate Student Seminars: Volumes on Tropical Jacobians Junaid Hasan, University of Washington
May 2 2024, 12:30
- 1:20pm
PDL C-401
Inverse Problems Seminar: Inverse problems for the damped wave equations Li Li, UC Irvine
May 2 2024, 11:30am
- 12:20pm
MEB 242
Graduate Exams: Final Exam Ravil Mussabayev
May 1 2024, 4pm
Combinatorics and Geometry Seminar: The inhomogeneous multispecies PushTASEP and Macdonald polynomials Arvind Ayyer, Indian Institute of Science
May 1 2024, 3:30
- 5pm
PDL C-401 and via Zoom Link: https://washington.zoom.us/j/91547335974
Inverse Problems Seminar: Partial data inverse problems for magnetic Schrödinger operators with potentials of low regularity Salem Selim, UC Irvine
April 30 2024, 4
- 5pm
SMI 102
Rainwater Seminar: Divisibility of integer Laurent polynomials and dynamical systems Doug Lind (UW Seattle)
April 30 2024, 1:30
- 3:30pm
PDL C-401
Number Theory Seminar: How do points on plane curves generate fields? Let me count the ways. Renee Bell, Lehman College
April 30 2024, 11
- 11:50am
PDL C-401
Graduate Student Seminars: Algebraic Geometry Student's Seminar : What is...a flip? Sándor Kovács, University of Washington
April 29 2024, 4
- 5pm
CMU 228
Probability Seminar: Fractional PDEs for anomalously diffusive transport in porous media Hong Wang (University of South Carolina)
April 29 2024, 2:30
- 3:20pm
CLK 219
Inverse Problems Seminar: Recovery of time-dependent coefficients in hyperbolic equations on Riemannian manifolds from partial data Boya Liu, North Carolina State University
April 29 2024, 12:25
- 1:25pm
PDL C-38
Graduate Student Seminars: 1-2-3 Seminar: Real Algebraic Geometry Tracy Chin, University of Washington
April 26 2024, 2:30
- 3:30pm
PDL C-401
Career Transitions: Industrial Panel 2024 Ken Chan, Stephen Lewis Bianamara, Harishchandra Ramadas, Jordan Weaver, Ursula Whitcher
April 25 2024, 4:30
- 6pm
PDL C-38
Graduate Student Seminars: Topological Mating of CRTs & Geometry of Brownian Excursion Linhang Huang, University of Washington
April 25 2024, 12:30
- 1:20pm
PDL C-401
Combinatorics and Geometry Seminar: Smooth Combinatorial Cubes are IDP Julie Curtis, University of Washington
April 24 2024, 4:10
- 5pm
PDL C-401 and via Zoom Link: https://washington.zoom.us/j/91547335974
Graduate Exams: General Exam Julie Curtis
April 24 2024, 4pm
PDL C-401
Graduate Student Seminars: Algebraic Geometry Student's Seminar : Realizable Degree Sets of Superelliptic Curves over Henselian Fields Alex Wang, University of Washington
April 22 2024, 4
- 5pm
CMU 228 (Note location)
Probability Seminar: The Busemann process of (1+1)-dimensional directed polymers Erik Bates (North Carolina State University)
April 22 2024, 2:30
- 3:20pm
CLK 219
UW Math Hour: Slicing space Cynthia Vinzant
April 21 2024, 1
- 2pm
ARC 147
Graduate Student Seminars: 1-2-3 Seminar: Eigenvalues and Much More Tyson Klingner, University of Washington
April 19 2024, 2:30
- 3:30pm
PDL C-401
Graduate Exams: General Exam Natasha Crepeau
April 19 2024, 11am
MEB 245
Career Transitions: Surviving and Thriving in the First Year of Grad School Sara Billey, Isabella Novik, Alex Wang (and likely a few more)
April 18 2024, 4:30
- 6pm
PDL C-38
Inverse Problems Seminar: Computational Boundary Control Methods for Acoustic Inverse Boundary Value Problems Yang Yang, Michigan State
April 18 2024, 4
- 5pm
SMI 313
Graduate Exams: Final Exam Kelvin Lam
April 18 2024, 2pm
PDL C-38
Graduate Exams: General Exam Michael Tang
April 17 2024, 4pm
PDL C-401
Combinatorics and Geometry Seminar: Shuffle bases and quasisymmetric power sums Michael Tang, University of Washington
April 17 2024, 3:30
- 5pm
PDL C-401 and via Zoom Link: https://washington.zoom.us/j/91547335974