Past Events
- CANCELED: Symmetries of shift systems (Bryna Kra, Northwestern University) -
- 3264 Conics in A Second (Bernd Sturmfels, MPI Leipzig / UC Berkeley) -
- Mathematical sense and nonsense outside the classroom: How well are we preparing our students to tell the difference? (Robert Megginson, University of Michigan) -
- On $C^{2,\alpha}$ estimates for levels sets of Allen-Cahn equation (Jun-Cheng Wei, University of British Columbia) -
- Graph Density Inequalities and Sums of Squares (Rekha Thomas, University of Washington) -
- Heights and moments of abelian varieties (Farbod Shokrieh, University of Washington) -
- Recent progress in birational geometry in positive characteristics (Christopher Hacon, University of Utah) -
- A Year at Google Research (Jake Levinson, University of Washington) -
- The Amazing Power of Dimensional Analysis in Finance: Market Impact and the Intraday Trading Invariance Hypothesis (Walter Schachermayer, University of Vienna) -
- Topology in neuroscience: some examples from neural coding and neural networks (Carina Curto, Penn State University) -
- Progress on Kahler-Ricci flow (Gang Tian, Peking University) -
- Lagrange's Identity and Apportionment of the U. S. House of Representatives (Tommy Wright, US Census Bureau) -
- The stability of Kerr-de Sitter space and global analysis (András Vasy, Stanford University) -
- Geometry of the Phase Retrieval Problem (Charles Epstein, University of Pennsylvania) -
- Nonlinear detection of connections (Gabriel Paternain, University of Cambridge) -
- Equations and Algebraic Geometry in Groups and Algebras (Olga Kharlampovich, Hunter College CUNY) -
- Ranks, lines, progressions, and sets (Jordan Ellenberg, University of Wisconsin–Madison) -
- Patterns in Standard Young Tableaux (Sara Billey, University of Washington) -
- What is the shape of a rational map? (Sarah Koch, University of Michigan) -
- Fifty years in mathematics: A minority perspective (William Vélez, University of Arizona) -
- From lecture to active learning: Rewards for all, and is it really so difficult? (David Pengelley, Oregon State University) -
- The large-scale geometry of the Hitchin moduli space (Rafe Mazzeo, Stanford University) -
- Coloring maps on surfaces (Ian Agol, UC Berkeley) -
- 5 points on the sphere (Richard Schwartz, Brown University) -
- How to remedy unintended bias: “Stop it!” vs. “Document it” (Anthony Greenwald, University of Washington) -
- Applications of functoriality (Emily Riehl, Johns Hopkins University) -
- Using Mathematics to Unlock Biological Mysteries (Candice Price, University of San Diego) -
- Mathematical Adventures with Knitting Machines (Fabienne Serriere, -
- Using mathematics to fight cancer (Ami Radunskaya, Pomona College) -
- Toroidal Belyĭ pairs, Toroidal graphs, and their monodromy groups (Edray Goins, Purdue University) -
- Optimal transportation between unequal dimensions (Robert McCann, University of Toronto) -
- Equidistribution of Shapes of Number Fields of degree 3, 4, and 5 (Piper Harron, University of Hawaii at Manoa) -
- T-duality and Mirror Symmetry (Mohammed Abouzaid, Columbia University) -
- [Video] Of Triangles, Gases, Prices and Men (Cédric Villani, Institut Henri Poincaré & Université de Lyon) -
- Scattering by the sphere (Maciej Zworski, University of California, Berkeley) -
- Tamagawa Numbers and Factorization Homology (Jacob Lurie, Harvard University) -
- Isometric Embedding of 2-dim Riemannian Manifolds in Euclidean 3-Space (Qing Han, University of Notre Dame) -
- [Video] On the Approximation of Laplacian Eigenvalues in Graph Disaggregation (John Urschel, Massachusetts Institute of Technology) -
- Quantum Symmetry (Chelsea Walton, Temple University) -
- Poset topology meets combinatorial representation theory (Patricia Hersh, North Carolina State University) -
- Alex Wright from Stanford University -
- Renzo Cavalieri from Colorado State University -
- Steven Lalley from University of Chicago -
- Frank Farris from Santa Clara University -
- June Huh from Princeton University -
- Katherine E. Stange from University of Colorado, Boulder -
- Dusa McDuff from Barnard College -
- Brian Conrad from Stanford University -
- Jennifer McLoud-Mann from University of Washington, Bothell -
- Sham M. Kakade from University of Washington -