Past Events
- Brian Conrad from Stanford University -
- Jennifer McLoud-Mann from University of Washington, Bothell -
- Sham M. Kakade from University of Washington -
- Ivan Corwin from Columbia University and the Clay Mathematics Institute -
- [Video] Amnon Yekutieli from Ben Gurion University -
- Catherine Williams, Chief Data Scientist at AppNexus -
- Michelle Wachs from University of Miami -
- Lauren Williams from University of California, Berkeley -
- Mark Rudelson from University of Michigan, Ann Arbor -
- Andrea R. Nahmod from University of Massachusetts Amherst -
- Christopher D. Hacon from The University of Utah -
- Marianna Csörnyei from The University of Chicago -
- Ravi Ramakrishna from Cornell University -
- Gene Abrams from University of Colorado at Colorado Springs -
- Shige Peng from Shandong University -
- Victor Reiner from University of Minnesota -
- Dan Spielman from Yale Institute for Network Science (Joint Math/CSE Colloquim and CORE Seminar) -
- Steffen Rohde from University of Washington -
- Roman Bezrukavnikov from Massachusetts Institute of Technology -
- Dan Shumow from Senior SDE at Microsoft Research -
- Neal Koblitz from University of Washington -
- Bianca Viray from Brown University -
- Wei Ho from Columbia University -
- [Video] Gil Kalai from Einstein Institute of Mathematics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem -
- [Video] Greg Blekherman from Georgia Institute of Technology -
- [Video] Yuval Peres, Principal Researcher and Theory Group Manager at Microsoft Research -
- [Video] S. R. Srinivasa Varadhan from New York University's Courant Institute -
- [Video] Cathy O'Neil of mathbabe.org and Data Scientist at Johnson Research Labs -
- [Video] Gerald Folland from University of Washington -
- Exotic spheres and topological modular forms (Mark Behrens, Massachusetts Institute of Technology) -
- [Video] Thomas Rothvoss from Massachusetts Institute of Technology -
- Dmitriy Drusvyatskiy from Cornell University -
- Katya Krupchyk from University of Helsinki -
- [Video] Fredrik Viklund from Columbia University -
- Reinier Bröker from Brown University -
- [Video] Mathias Drton from UW Statistics Department -
- [Video] Max Warshauer from Texas State University -
- [Video] Matthew Kahle from Ohio State University -
- [Video] Bruce Reznick from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign -
- [Video] Christopher Hacon from University of Utah -
- [Video] Jonathan Brundan from University of Oregon -
- [Video] Edward Witten from Institute for Advanced Study -
- [Video] Kristin Lauter from Microsoft Research and University of Washington -
- [Video] On the Topology of Black Holes (Greg Galloway, University of Miami) -
- [Video] Two Needles in Exponential Haystacks (Joel Spencer, New York University) -
- The Static and Stochastic Ising Models (Eyal Lubetzky, Microsoft Research and UW) -
- From Hilbert's 17th Problem to Polynomial Optimization and Convex Algebraic Geometry (Rekha Thomas, University of Washington) -
- Testing the Manifold Hypothesis (Hariharan Narayanan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology) -
- [Video] The Critical Probability of Percolation: Percolation on Self-Dual Polygon Configurations (Béla Bollobás, University of Cambridge, University of Memphis, and Microsoft ) -
- [Video] A Survey of Alternating Permutations (Richard Stanley, Massachusetts Institute of Technology) -