Events Archive

Title Date and Time Location
Differential Geometry/PDE Seminar: Stability of the volume entropy inequality
Antoine Song (Caltech)
- PDL C-38
Combinatorics and Geometry Seminar: Projections of Richardson Varieties
Travis Grigsby, Oklahoma State University
- PDL C-401 and via Zoom Link:
Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Seminar: Local monodromy of constructible sheaves  
Deepam Patel (Purdue)
PDL C-38
Rainwater Seminar: Geometric Function theory, Quasiconvexity and lower Semicontinuity
Daniel Faraco, Universidad Autonoma Madrid
- PDL C-401
Number Theory Seminar: The not-so-local-global conjecture
James Rickards, University of Colorado, Boulder
- PDL C-401
Probability Seminar: Approximation of Time-changed Brownian motion
Yang Yu, University of Washington
- SMI 305
UW-PIMS Colloquium: Intersection theory of moduli spaces of curves
Hannah Larson (University of California, Berkeley)
ECE 125
Current Topics Seminar: Isolated points on curves
Bianca Viray
- PDL C-038
Graduate Student Seminars: Lightning Talks in Analysis 
Albert Artiles, Ryan Bushling, Emily Casey, Linhang Huang, Jack Kendrick, Garrett Mulcahy, Jacob Ogden
- PDL C-401
Career Transitions: Jobs Lunch
Sara Billey
- PDL Lounge
Graduate Exams: General Exam
Josh Hinman
PDL C-401
Combinatorics and Geometry Seminar: Face Numbers and Angles of Polytopes
Josh Hinman, University of Washington
- PDL C-401 and via Zoom Link:
Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Seminar: Root systems, moduli spaces, and derived categories  
Alicia Lamarche (Utah)
PDL C-38
Combinatorics and Geometry Seminar: Generalized Multiview Varieties
Felix Rydell
- CMU B-006
CANCELED: Math Department: Faculty Meeting PDL C-38
Topology Seminar: Edges of the Quillen-Lichtenbaum range and birational geometry
Elden Elmanto, University of Toronto
- PDL C-401
Differential Geometry/PDE Seminar: Helical symmetry solutions for 3D incompressible Euler equations in an infinite cylinder
Daomin CAO (Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- PDL C-38
Graduate Exams: General Exam
Rainie Heck
Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Seminar: Using monodromy to recover symmetries of polynomial systems (Special seminar talk)
Viktor Korotynskiy, Czech Institute for Informatics and Cybnernetics at Czech Technical University in Prague
- PDL C-401
Graduate Exams: Final Exam
Kevin Chien
- PDL C-38
Graduate Exams: Final Exam
Kevin Chien
Differential Geometry/PDE Seminar: The sigma-2 equation in dimension four
Ravi Shankar (Princeton U.)
- PDL C-38
Math Department: Math Department Undergraduate Graduation Celebration - Bill and Melinda Gates Center for Computer Science and Engineering (CSE2), Room G20
Graduate Exams: Final Exam
Mark Bennett
Lewis 208
Graduate Exams: General Exam
Carlos Rivera
CMU 243
Math Department: Faculty Meeting Zoom
Graduate Exams: Final Exam
Catherine Babecki
CMU 230
Number Theory Seminar: Towards a theory of real multiplication
Alice Pozzi, University of Bristol
- PDL C-38
Graduate Exams: General Exam
Caelan Ritter
Graduate Student Seminars: An extension problem for the fractional Laplacian
Xiangqian Meng, University of Washington
- PDL C-401
Combinatorics and Geometry Seminar: Combinatorics of two-boundary Temperley-Lieb algebras
Zajj Daugherty, Reed College
- PDL C-401 and via Zoom Link:
Topology Seminar: Involutions of (Topological) Azumaya Algebras
Ben Williams, UBC
- PDL C-401
Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Seminar: Degenerations of twisted maps to algebraic stacks
Giovanni Inchiostro (UW)
PDL C-38
Rainwater Seminar: Probabilistic global flows for supercritical PDEs
Mouhamadou Sy, Johns Hopkins University
- PDL C-401
UW-PIMS Colloquium: Uniformity in Diophantine Geometry
Lars Kühne, University of Copenhagen
ECE 125
Graduate Exams: General Exam
Emily Casey
PDL C-38
Graduate Exams: General Exam
Ignacio Tejeda
THO 325
Career Transitions: Career Transitions: Academic Jobs Panel
Catherine Babecki, Marty Bishop, Kevin Chien, and Xueying Yu
PDL C-038
Graduate Student Seminars: Relative Entropy with Connections to Optimal Transport
Garrett Mulcahy, University of Washington
- PDL C-401
Graduate Exams: Final Exam
Smart Thep
Graduate Exams: Final Exam
Rowan Rowlands
PDL C-401
Differential Geometry/PDE Seminar: Asymptotics near extinction for nonlinear fast diffusion on a bounded domain
Robert McCann (U. Toronto)
- PDL C-38
Combinatorics and Geometry Seminar: Combinatorics of CAT(0) cubical complexes, crossing complexes and co-skeletons
Rowan Rowlands, University of Washington
- PDL C-401 and via Zoom Link:
Topology Seminar: The cohomology of equivariant configuration spaces
Christy Hazel, UCLA
- PDL C-401
Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Seminar: Quotients for linear algebraic group actions via Geometric Invariant Theory
Eloise Hamilton (University of Cambridge)
PDL C-38
Rainwater Seminar: Zeros of Steklov eigenfunctions
Stefano Decio, University of Minnesota
- PDL C-401
Graduate Exams: General Exam
Sarafina Ford
CMU B-006
Differential Geometry/PDE Seminar: Some unique continuation results for Schrodinger equations
Xueying Yu, University of Washington
- SMI 307
Graduate Student Seminars: 1-2-3 Seminar: All you need is $\nabla \log u$
Vasily Ilin, University of Washington
- PDL C-401
Graduate Exams: General Exam
Cameron Wright
THO 211