Combinatorics and Geometry Seminar
Combinatorics and Geometry Seminar
UW Combinatorics and Geometry Seminar meets in Padelford C-401 on Wednesdays. The pre-seminar is from 3:30-4:00pm and the main seminar is from 4:10-5:00pm.
Further details can be found at
Past Events
- Combinatorial mutations and birational maps (Ricky Liu, University of Washington) -
- Unimodular triangulations of sufficiently large dilations (Gaku Liu, University of Washington) -
- Transfer systems and model structures for combinatorialists (Kyle Ormsby, University of Washington) -
- Problems around Combinatorial Graphs and Distance Geometry (Stefan Steinerberger, University of Washington) -
- Subdivisions of Shellable Complexes (Max Hlavacek, University of California Berkeley) -
- Odd diagrams and patterns (Bridget Tenner, DePaul University) -
- 3D plabic graphs and cluster structures on type A braid varieties (Melissa Sherman-Bennett, Massachusetts Institute of Technology) -
- 2-LC triangulated manifolds are exponentially many (Marta Pavelka, University of Miami) -
- On the anisotropy theorem of Papadakis and Petrotou (Elizabeth Xiao, University of British Columbia) -
- Enumerating interval graphs and d-representable complexes (Amzi Jeffs, Carnegie Mellon University) -
- Hurwitz numbers via topological recursion (Reinier Kramer, University of Alberta) -
- A Pattern Avoidance Criteria for Smoothness of Positroid Varieties Via Decorated Permutations, Spirographs, and Johnson Graphs (Jordan Weaver, University of Washington) -
- Maximal Chain Descent Orders (Stephen Lacina, University of Oregon) -
- Flavors of the Fubini-Bruhat Order (Stark Ryan, University of Washington) -
- Higher Categorical Associahedra (Spencer Backman, University of Vermont) -
- Pattern-avoiding parking functions (Lara Pudwell, Valparaiso University) -
- Graph limits and graph homomorphism inequalities (Fan Wei, Princeton University) -
- A Proof of Grünbaum’s Lower Bound Conjecture for polytopes, lattices, and strongly regular pseudomanifolds (Lei Xue, University of Washington) -
- q-Whittaker functions, finite fields, and Jordan forms (Steven Karp, LaCIM, Université du Québec à Montréal) -
- Grothendieck-to-Lascoux Expansions (Tianyi Yu, University of California San Diego) -
- Linear relations among Schubert structure coefficients (Anna Weigandt, Massachusetts Institute of Technology) -
- Planar Tanglegram Layouts and Edge Insertion (Kevin Liu, University of Washington) -
- Common tangents to polytopes and convex bodies (José Alejandro Samper, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile) -
- Non-realizability of polytopes via linear programming (Amy Wiebe, Simon Fraser University) -
- Braiding and twisting open positroid varieties (Christopher Fraser, Michigan State University) -
- From symmetric functions, to knots, and back again (Nicolle González, University of California Los Angeles) -
- CANCELED: Braiding and twisting open positroid varieties (Christopher Fraser, Michigan State University) -
- Multiplicities of maximal dominant weights of some affine Lie algebra modules (Kailash Misra, North Carolina State University) -
- When is the probability of avoiding a graph super-exponentially small? (Rajko Nenadov, Google Zürich) -
- Helly type problems: topology, the cascade conjecture, and graph coloring (Gil Kalai, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Reichman University, and NYU) -
- Combinatorial atlas for log-concave inequalities (Swee Hong Chan, University of California Los Angeles) -
- Bumpless pipe dreams encode Gröbner geometry of Schubert polynomials (Patricia Klein, University of Minnesota) -
- f*- and h*-vectors (Matthias Beck, San Francisco State University) -
- P-partition generating functions of naturally labeled posets (Ricky Liu, University of Washington) -
- Lorentzian polynomials on cones and the Heron-Rota-Welsh conjecture (Jonathan Leake, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany) -
- On discrete gradient vector fields and Laplacians of simplicial complexes (Andrew Tawfeek, Amherst College) -
- Morphisms, Minors, and Minimal Obstructions to Convexity of Neural Codes (Amzi Jeffs, University of Washington) -
- Many neighborly spheres (Isabella Novik, University of Washington) -
- On Schubert polynomials (Karola Mészáros, Cornell University) -
- Complex analysis meets combinatorics (Steffen Rohde, University of Washington) -
- An Efficient Algorithm for Deciding the Vanishing of Schubert Polynomial Coefficients (Colleen Robichaux, UIUC) -
- The equivariant Ehrhart theory of the permutahedron ( Mariel Supina, UC Berkeley) -
- An odd tale of permutation statistics (Angela Carnevale, National University of Ireland, Galway) -
- Type cones and products of simplices (Bennet Goeckner, University of Washington) -
- A structural Szemerédi–Trotter theorem for cartesian products (Adam Sheffer, CUNY) -
- Cubes, Codes, and Graphical Designs (Catherine Babecki, University of Washington) -
- Singular Hodge theory for combinatorial geometries ( Jacob Matherne, University of Oregon) -
- A Proof of Grünbaum's Lower Bound Conjecture for general polytopes, and strongly regular CW spheres (Lei Xue, University of Washington) -
- Decompositions of Ehrhart h*-Polynomials for Rational Polytopes (Andrés R. Vindas Meléndez, University of Kentucky ) -
- A categorification of the Malvenuto-Reutenauer algebra via a tower of groups (Farid Aliniaeifard, The University of British Columbia) -