Graduate Student Seminars: Exceptional sets of orthogonal projections: from classical results to current research Ryan Bushling, University of Washington |
PDL C-401 |
Combinatorics and Geometry Seminar: A Pattern Avoidance Criteria for Smoothness of Positroid Varieties Via Decorated Permutations, Spirographs, and Johnson Graphs Jordan Weaver, University of Washington |
PDL C-38 and via Zoom Link: |
Graduate Exams: Final Exam Jordan Weaver |
PDL C-38 |
Math Department: Faculty Meeting |
PDL C-38 & Zoom |
Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Seminar: Singularities and the Behavior of the Deligne-Du Bois Complex Kristine Hampton (UW) |
PDL C-38 |
UW-PIMS Colloquium: Rigidity and uniformity and algebraic dynamics Laura DeMarco, Harvard |
ECE 125 |
Pacific Northwest Seminar on Topology, Algebra, and Geometry in Data Science: The Intrinsic Manifolds of Radiological Images and Their Role in Deep Learning Nick Konz (Duke) |
| |
Graduate Student Seminars: Approximating real numbers by rational numbers with small denominators Albert Artiles, University of Washington |
PDL C-401 |
Combinatorics and Geometry Seminar: Maximal Chain Descent Orders Stephen Lacina, University of Oregon |
PDL C-38 and via Zoom Link: |
Topology Seminar: Stable homotopy groups of motivic spheres and the Suslin-Hurewicz homomorphism Oliver Röndigs, Osnabrück University |
PDL C-401 |
Topology Seminar: What is A^1-homotopy theory? Oliver Röndigs, Osnabrück University |
PDL C-401 |
Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Seminar: The integral Chow ring of M_{1,n} for n=3,...,10 Martin Bishop (UW) |
PDL C-38 |
Number Theory Seminar: Lattice problems and the Siegel/Rogers integral formula Seungki Kim, University of Cincinnati |
PDL C-401 |
Math Department: Faculty Meeting |
PDL C-38 & Zoom |
Differential Geometry/PDE Seminar: On the compactness of Hamiltonian stationary Lagrangian submanifolds John M-S. Ma (University of Copenhagen) |
Zoom: |
Differential Geometry/PDE Seminar: Ancient Solutions in Ricci Flow Peng LU (U of Oregon) |
Thursday PDL C38 |
Graduate Exams: General Exam Alexander Mason |
PDL C 38 |
Graduate Exams: Final Exam Peter Rudzis |
via ZOOM |
Probability Seminar: Coming down from infinity for local-time coalescing Brownian motions Clayton Barnes, Technion |
CLK 219 |
Differential Geometry/PDE Seminar: Gradient estimate for a special Lagrangian type PDE Ravi Shankar (Princeton University) |
Wednesday PDL C401 |
Differential Geometry/PDE Seminar: On Green's functions of nondivergent elliptic operators with continuous coefficients Seick Kim (Yonsei University in Seoul) |
Wednesday PDL C401 |
Graduate Student Seminars: Hausdorff dimension of Besicovitch sets of Cantor graphs Iqra Altaf, University of Chicago |
PDL C-401 |
Math Department: Mathematics Undergraduate Graduation Open House |
Oak Hall Denny Room |
Graduate Exams: General Exam Chengyuan Ma |
PDL C-401 |
Graduate Student Seminars: Three-minute thesis presentations Abeer Al Ahmadieh, David Clancy, Nico Courts, Kirill Golubnichiy, Sam Roven, Stark Ryan, David Simmons, Lei Xue, and Yihao Zhang, UW |
PDL C-38 or Zoom ( |
Math Department: Faculty Meeting |
PDL C-38 & Zoom |
Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Seminar: Smoothness in pencils of hypersurfaces over finite fields Shamil Asgarli (UBC) |
PDL C-38 |
UW-PIMS Colloquium: Gradeless: Grade Less; Teach More Ileanu Vasu, Holyoke Community College |
PDL C-38 and on Zoom ( |
Graduate Exams: Final Exam Kirill Golubnichiy |
PDL C 401 |
Graduate Student Seminars: An inverse problem for fractional generalized connection Laplacians Kevin Chien, University of Washington |
RAI 116 |
Graduate Exams: Final Exam Stark Ryan |
PDL C-38 |
Combinatorics and Geometry Seminar: Flavors of the Fubini-Bruhat Order Stark Ryan, University of Washington |
PDL C-38 and via Zoom Link: |
Graduate Exams: General Exam Jessie Loucks Tavitas |
PDL C-401 |
Graduate Exams: General Exam Juan Salinas |
MEB 237 |
Pacific Northwest Seminar on Topology, Algebra, and Geometry in Data Science: Groups and Symmetries in Statistical Models Anna Seigal (Harvard) |
PDL C-401 and on Zoom |
Graduate Student Seminars: An application of the horocyclic flow to probabilistic number theory Albert Artiles, University of Washington |
RAI 116 |
Graduate Exams: Final Exam Nico Courts |
MEB 237 |
Combinatorics and Geometry Seminar: Higher Categorical Associahedra Spencer Backman, University of Vermont |
PDL C-38 and via Zoom Link: |
Graduate Exams: General Exam Casey Koch LaRue |
PDL C 38 |
Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Seminar: Singularities and their partial resolutions Casey Koch Larue (UW) |
PDL C-038 and Zoom |
Rainwater Seminar: Inverse boundary value problems for quasilinear hyperbolic equations on Lorentzian manifolds Yang Zhang, University of Washington |
PDL C-401 |
Probability Seminar: Continuous phase transitions on Galton-Watson trees Tobias Johnson, CUNY |
THO 125 |
UW-PIMS Colloquium: Infinite-type surfaces Priyam Patel, University of Utah |
Pacific Northwest Seminar on Topology, Algebra, and Geometry in Data Science: How to choose informative representations of topological features in persistent homology Gregory Henselman-Petrusek (PNNL) |
PDL C-401 and on Zoom |
Graduate Student Seminars: An overview of the Calderón problem Kevin Tully, University of Washington |
RAI 116 |
Combinatorics and Geometry Seminar: Pattern-avoiding parking functions Lara Pudwell, Valparaiso University |
PDL C-38 and via Zoom Link: |
Rainwater Seminar: Josh Southerland's thesis defense Josh Southerland, University of Washington |
PDL C-401 |
Graduate Exams: Final Exam Josh Southerland |
PDL C 401/Zoom |
Graduate Exams: Final Exam Abeer Al Ahmadieh |
MEB 237 |
Probability Seminar: Stability of Elliptic Harnack Inequality Zhen-Qing Chen, University of Washington |
THO 125 |