Events Archive

Title Date and Time Location
Pacific Northwest Seminar on Topology, Algebra, and Geometry in Data Science: Machine learning, toric Fano varieties, and terminal singularities
Sara Veneziale (Imperial College London)
Graduate Student Seminars: 1-2-3 Seminar: Statistical physics: what and how to study for random stuff
Linhang Huang, University of Washington
- PDL C-401
Current Topics Seminar: Billiards in polygons and polyhedra
Jayadev Athreya
- PDL C-038
Topology Seminar: Topology Seminar: Supersymmetric field theories and elliptic cohomology
Daniel Berwick Evans, UIUC
- PDL C-401
Postdoc Seminar: Topological edge spectrum along curved interface 
Xiaowen Zhu, University of Washington
- PDL C-038
Combinatorics and Geometry Seminar: A regular unimodular triangulation of the matroid base polytope
Gaku Liu, University of Washington
- PDL C-401 and via Zoom Link:
Math Department: Faculty Meeting - via Zoom
Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Seminar: Moduli of curves and K-stability
Junyan Zhao (UIC)
PDL C-38
Differential Geometry/PDE Seminar: Doubling method for Monge-Ampere and special Lagrangian type equations
Ravi Shankar, Princeton U.
- PDL C-38
Postdoc Seminar: Geometry of 2, 3, or 4 Cameras
Tim Duff
- PDL C-38
Washington Experimental Mathematics Lab: WXML Poster Session - PAR 120
CANCELED: Topology Seminar: Building relations on persistence modules from data
Chad Giusti, Oregon State University
- PDL C-401
Postdoc Seminar: The wave trace on asymptotically complex hyperbolic manifolds
Hadrian Quan
- PDL C-38
CANCELED: Topology Seminar: Learning cyclic structure in neural population codes
Chad Giusti, Oregon State University
- SMI 309
Math Department: Special Colloquium - SMI 211
Graduate Student Seminars: Algebraic Geometry Student's Seminar : A Leisurely Introduction to Algebraic K-Theory
Michael Zeng, University of Washington
- CMU B006
Combinatorics and Geometry Seminar: Numerical semigroups, minimal presentations, and posets
Christopher O'Neill, San Diego State University
- PDL C-401 and via Zoom Link:
Math Department: Special Colloquium - JHN 102
Math Department: Faculty Meeting - via Zoom
Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Seminar: Exceptional Collections and Window Categories 
Kimoi Kemboi (IAS)
PDL C-38
Math Department: Special Colloquium - MGH 389
Probability Seminar: Limit Theory for Bose-Einstein statistics via Chernoff's method
Jon A. Wellner, University of Washington
- SMI 305
Math Department: Special Colloquium - JHN 102
UW-PIMS Colloquium: The local-global conjecture for Apollonian circle packings is false
Katherine E. Stange (University of Colorado, Boulder)
ECE 125
Graduate Exams: Final Exam
Josh Cutler
Current Topics Seminar: Analytic geometry (over archimedean and non-archimedean fields)
Farbod Shokrieh
- PDL C-038
Topology Seminar: Algebraic and Geometric Models for Space Communications
Justin Curry, University at Albany SUNY
- PDL C-401
AWM Speaker Series: What connects the melting of ice, a Brazilian favorite dish, and walls?
Mariana Smit Vega Garcia, Western Washington University
- THO 125
Graduate Student Seminars: Runge approximation and its application in Calderón type inverse problems
Ruirui Wu, University of Washington
- PDL C-401
Math Department: Special Colloquium - SMI 211
Graduate Student Seminars: Algebraic Geometry Student's Seminar : Hodge Structures: what are they and where to find them
Ting Gong, University of Washington
- CMU B006
Combinatorics and Geometry Seminar: A noncommutative Schur function approach to chromatic symmetric functions
Isaiah Siegl, University of Washington
- PDL C-401 and via Zoom Link:
Topology Seminar: Inverse Problems in Topological Data Analysis
Justin Curry, University at Albany SUNY
- SMI 311
Math Department: Special Colloquium - JHN 102
Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Seminar: The cone conjecture in relative dimension 2
Talon Stark (UCLA)
PDL C-38
Rainwater Seminar: Sobolev inequalities, metric measure spaces, and degenerate elliptic PDEs.
Lyudmila Korobenko (Reed College)
- PDL C-401
Math Department: Special Colloquium - MGH 389
Probability Seminar: Hitting times in Erdös-Rényi random graphs
Andrea Ottolini, University of Washington
- SMI 305
Math Department: Special Colloquium - JHN 102
Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Seminar: Nowhere vanishing one-forms and fibrations over abelian varieties   
Nathan Chen (Columbia)
PDL C-38
Rainwater Seminar: Piecewise geodesic Jordan curves on the sphere
Janne Junnila, University of Helsinki
- PDL C-401
Math Department: Special Colloquium - MGH 389
Probability Seminar: The Critical Beta-splitting Random Tree
David Aldous , U.C. Berkeley and University of Washington
- SMI 305
Math Department: Special Colloquium - JHN 102
UW-PIMS Colloquium: Hitting the High-D(imensional) Notes: Stochastic Gradient Descent Learning Dynamics
Courtney Paquette (McGill University)
ECE 125
Career Transitions: Transition into Research
Stefan Steinerberger (and possibly others)
- PDL C-38
Topology Seminar: Equivariant K-theory and higher chromatic analogues
William Balderrama, University of Virginia
- PDL C-401
Career Transitions: Academia versus Industry Research Labs
Courtney Paquette, McGill University
- PDL C-38
Graduate Student Seminars: Expected Stopping Time for Lévy Processes on Manifolds
Kevin Tully, University of Washington
- PDL C-401
Graduate Student Seminars: Algebraic Geometry Student's Seminar : Introduction to Gröbner Bases
Dhruv Bhatia, University of Washington
- CMU B006